• 2 months ago


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02:16In the new design to lead the outside of the local journals. About what which is that under the debit said that anybody is on a
02:17He said, Vishakhapatnam and as far as our Andhra Pradesh school, he said,
02:21that is the only way to get the benefit of this.
02:23Mr. Lalchand, this is very important, but let me take Mr. Junaid's point a little further,
02:29because you have seen, Mr. Lalchand, that the most powerful country in the world,
02:34if we can say, has the most important role of energy,
02:42and you see, we are dependent on the countries of the world for our energy,
02:47and the kind of efforts that the Prime Minister has made,
02:50that we will gradually reduce our emissions,
02:53and when the emissions will be reduced, then we will be dependent on ourselves in terms of energy,
02:57and when we have energy, then definitely we will not have a lot of trouble in creating fire.
03:04This is the reason that by keeping this goal till 2030,
03:07this project has been started in the country, so that we can achieve that goal of 500 GWh.
03:15This is the biggest thing.
03:16You see, in all these initiatives, one important initiative, Mr. Lalchand,
03:20is that here in Tirupati district, in Tirupati district, there is an industrial smart city,
03:28that is also being started by the Prime Minister,
03:31and this is a part of the Bengaluru and Chennai industrial corridor.
03:38When this project will come into fruition, then definitely the people of Andhra Pradesh will get its benefit,
03:44that how the people of Andhra Pradesh will get basic facilities,
03:51they will get freedom from all kinds of rules and regulations,
03:54and they will be able to contribute to the development of India rapidly.
03:59Along with this, there is a big and important project,
04:02that the medicine park, the bus medicine park, a big medicine park is being built in Andhra Pradesh,
04:09which is a little far from Vishakhapatnam.
04:13And the speciality of that is that you see, in the coming time,
04:17the people of our country, the poor people, they can get cheap medicines,
04:23they can get cheap medicines, they can get good innovations,
04:28and apart from this, because South, everyone knows that South is a big name in the medical field,
04:34and if a medicine park is built here, then people associated with the industry,
04:39will get all kinds of infrastructure in one day,
04:43and their business will grow rapidly.
04:45When the business grows rapidly, then people will get the benefits on a large scale,
04:49and it is being said that people can get employment in the range of 6 to 7 lakhs.
04:57So definitely there is a big desire, and along with this,
