• 2 months ago


01:00You are saying that we are being influenced. What is your political life history?
01:07What is your growth? What is your political growth?
01:12In all ways, how many influences did you put and how many influences did you come to this position politically?
01:22What is your history? Where did you come from?
01:26Before you criticize us today, think about it once.
01:31When I see you, I remember Guruvinda Swami.
01:34Today, you are saying that not even a single permission has come to you.
01:37You are saying that it has not come.
01:39I can give you a documentary evidence as to how I got permission and how it happened from 2014.
01:50You are a documentary evidence.
01:53Either you tried to stop it, or you wrote a letter to someone, or you said that you are stopping it because of what you said.
02:01Even if I bring a single documentary evidence, I will apologize to you.
02:07I can give you all the ways I tried against this factory with the help of documentary evidence.
02:18On this factory, we and Mr. Hannu Vedala took the view of the government officials and Mr. Kalkari.
02:28We took the view of the government and Mr. Kalkari of the problems faced by the people there.
02:34We are in the government and we can talk about the technical issues there.
02:41Today, we are trying to take action against this factory with the help of the documentary evidence.
02:53The people there are important.
02:55Today, they made us win with a very big majority.
02:59We will try to take action against the problems faced by the people here.