• 2 months ago


00:53yes so my name is dr. K your butch I am an orthopedic surgeon and I consider
00:59myself as a global citizen because I am linked with Middle East Oman Dubai Qatar
01:05for the healthcare field also my background is from UK because of my
01:11FRCS in orthopedic surgery and also I am an adjunct associate professor in Bond
01:17Medical School Australia so we help train young doctors and students from
01:22various parts of South Africa Middle East and other countries in Bharat so
01:27that is our connection with Bharat India also
01:39so this is my second participation in privacy Bharatiya Divya Samayal and the
01:44first one was two years ago in Indore and the positive energy that you see
01:49because everybody who comes here takes out their own time from their own busy
01:53professions or businesses and they spend their own air travel and their hotel
01:59accommodation costs so this is not sponsored by the government this is
02:04because the people of Indian origin Bharatiya Mulke Log they feel that they
02:09want to learn something from India they want to give something back to India so
02:14it's a two-way process and that is the only way it can survive a symbiotic
02:27yes so first sure so first of all if you don't mind I will give a quick
02:37definition of what I consider Vixit. Vixit in English means developed
02:42do you know that United Nations has actually given up that word you know
02:46they used to say developed countries developing countries and underdeveloped
02:49countries that nomenclature has been the current nomenclature is high-income
02:54countries middle-income countries and low-income countries why because if you
02:58look at Vikas development then culturally at family value level and
03:03spiritually Bharat has been a Vixit nation for more than 5,000 years and is
03:08going to remain Vixit and rest of the love world can and needs to learn from
03:11it okay coming to the current concept of Vixit the way it is used is for
03:16economic Vikas so for economic development we have to learn a lot
03:20from the European countries from USA from even some of the Middle Eastern
03:25countries like Oman or Dubai etc so the the good thing about the NRIs
03:32Pravasi Bhartiya is that they have first-hand experience of those countries
03:36so I have first-hand experience of health care in UK USA Australia and we
03:42bring those skills and our financial muscle to Bharat for example I was
03:48involved in Balasore train crash related health care problems two days after the
03:55train crash a team of volunteer surgeons had come with me and we helped about 250
03:59patients and we did it from our own pocket so when you earn so much abroad
04:05it comes as a natural feeling that you want to contribute
04:12to Muscat
04:14there is a theme
04:16there is a stall
04:18dedicated to Oman
04:20where you come from
04:22your thoughts
04:24Prime Minister Modi
04:26is about to visit
04:28that stall
04:30so Oman has been linked with Bharat for you can say thousands of years even
04:36before it was called Oman the the father of the current Sheikh of Oman you will
04:41be surprised and your listeners will be surprised was a great believer in Indian
04:45Jyotish Shastra astrology and there is a particular astrologist in Bharat whose
04:50name I will not take because Omani Sheikh may not like me to say it but he
04:56was taken to Oman in chartered flight to do Jyotish and Astrology
