• 2 months ago
CG News: वित्त मंत्री OP चौधरी ने इस तरह बच्चों को किया प्रेरित


00:00I would like to tell the parents to encourage their children to move forward in their talent.
00:05Encourage them to become a good human being.
00:08Develop confidence in them.
00:11Develop patience in them.
00:13Develop the ability to face adverse situations in them.
00:17We should pay more attention to that.
00:20It should not be that 99.2% came and we gave them two slaps.
00:25Then the second one, why did you come on the third number?
00:28We should not trap our children in 98 and 99.
00:32We should not put too much pressure on our children.
00:35Instead, we should encourage them to develop as a good human being.
00:40Only then they will be able to prepare themselves for big successes in life.
00:45For big successes in life, the development of personalities is important.
00:49It is not that bringing maximum percentage is not the only criteria.
00:54We need to understand this.
00:56Develop the ability to fight within your children.
00:59This is important.
01:01I would like to give you an example in the context of this positive thinking.
01:05There was a child from Europe.
01:08He used to go to school.
01:10He was considered a naughty child in school.
01:12One day his principal called him and said,
01:15Give this paper to your mother.
01:17Don't show it to anyone else.
01:19That small child used to study in school in the 4th and 5th grade.
01:23He brought the paper to his house and gave it to his mother.
01:28His mother read it.
01:30It was written in the paper that your child is so naughty that we are throwing him out of the school.
01:37Because he is having a negative effect on other children.
01:40The mother cried.
01:43My child was thrown out of the school as a naughty child.
01:47The mother hid her tears and said,
01:52It is written in this paper that you are so intelligent that you don't need to go to school from tomorrow.
01:58From now on, there will be homeschooling in your house.
02:03The child was homeschooled.
02:06The child was thrown out of the school.
02:11The child was homeschooled.
02:14The same child grew up and became a scientist.
02:18He was called Thomas Alva Edison.
02:21He invented the bulb and tried to enlighten the whole world.
02:25This is the power of positive thinking.
