• vor 2 Monaten
Lainy ist eifersüchtig auf ihre beste Freundin, die nicht nur um Gegensatz zu Lainy in einer glücklichen Beziehung ist, sondern nun auch noch schwanger. Ihre Eifersucht quält sie so sehr, dass sie beginnt einen falschen Babybauch zu tragen und vorzugeben auch schwanger zu sein. Doch in Irgendwie schwanger trifft Lainy so verkleidet auf den Mann ihrer Träume.


00:00Lookin' good, mama.
00:04Have you ever felt like you were so close to having it all?
00:11But there was one little secret.
00:13You look so beautiful.
00:15It's probably because I'm pregnant.
00:17You lost control of?
00:22How dare you walk around with that fake fuckin' belly?
00:26What am I gonna do?
00:27Do you ever tell, like, such a big lie you don't know how to get out of it?
00:32How's your pregnancy going?
00:34Oh my God, so cute!
00:38Cute little face almost tore my asshole open.
00:44I've always known I want a family.
00:45Have you ever dated a pregnant woman?
00:47You're the least pregnant person I've ever dated.
00:50You wait till they're crowning.
00:51Yeah, I want them to be, like, two weeks away from dropping.
00:58Women don't share what it's like.
00:59It's so isolating.
01:00How do you really feel during your pregnancy?
01:03I'm angry!
01:04I ate a cupcake out of the trash can last night.
01:06I can't stop masturbating to weird stuff.
01:09Like the Golden Bachelor?
01:10Get the hell out of here!
01:12You know, we should have more, like, secrets.
01:15What if someone you know catches you with it?
01:17Do you smell that?
01:18It's like burnt plastic.
01:19Oh my God, I'm on fire!
01:20Why am I listening to you?
01:21You have three active restraining orders against you.
01:24Which says to me there are three people out there who sees my passion.
01:29I show up at their work.
01:30I show up at their house.
01:31I show up at their mother's house.
01:33I'm fucking everywhere.
01:39The most important relationship you are ever going to have
01:43is with yourself.
01:48You're being a stupid, tit-faced, jerk-butt.
01:50Oh, it is you, my friend, that has the face of a tit.
01:53Can you two bitches calm down?
01:54You can't even come up with proper fucking sway words at this point.
02:03How far along are you, judging by your facial bloating?
02:05Five months?
02:06I'll break your fucking neck.
02:07What was that?
02:08I've been a freaking rat.
02:09I would be too if my ankles were that big.
