अमरूद फल, सेहत के लिए बेहद फायदेमंद होता है। अमरूद, पाचन से जुड़ी समस्याओं को दूर करने में मदद करता है। लेकिन आपको बता दें कि अमरूद फल ही नहीं, इसके पत्ते भी हेल्थ के लिए लाभकारी होते हैं। अमरूद के पत्ते, बालों से जुड़ी समस्याओं को दूर करने में मदद करते हैं। अगर आपको हेयर फॉल, हेयर ग्रोथ और डैंड्रफ की समस्या है, तो आप इन पत्तों का उपयोग कर सकते हैं।
Guava fruit is very beneficial for health. Guava helps in removing problems related to digestion. But let us tell you that not only guava fruit, its leaves are also beneficial for health. Guava leaves help in removing hair related problems. If you have problems of hair fall, hair growth and dandruff, then you can use these leaves.
#GuavaLeavesBenefitforhair #GuavaLeavesWaterforHair #GuavaLeavesforDandruff #Healthtips #HealthNews
Guava fruit is very beneficial for health. Guava helps in removing problems related to digestion. But let us tell you that not only guava fruit, its leaves are also beneficial for health. Guava leaves help in removing hair related problems. If you have problems of hair fall, hair growth and dandruff, then you can use these leaves.
#GuavaLeavesBenefitforhair #GuavaLeavesWaterforHair #GuavaLeavesforDandruff #Healthtips #HealthNews
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