• 2 months ago


00:00But now, compared to that, the burdens under FPPCA and true-up claims are turning out to
00:27be several times higher than the impact of tariff hike and even higher than the revenue
00:35gap determined by the Commission for the financial air concern.
00:40This is very irony, sir.
00:43Sir, nobody can expect, sir.
00:46Though the NAPERC started, it was a united state of Andhra Pradesh, sir.
00:54But even then, the adjustment charges used to be only up to 150 crores.
01:03Many times it is 50 crores, sir.
01:06The second thing, sir, I wanted to put forth before you regarding power purchase agreements,
01:15This is very important, sir.
01:19Despite entering into PPAs by discounts with high-cost and must-run RG units to purchase
01:28unwarranted power on long-term basis, even for exceeding their questionable obligations
01:35under RPPO, obviously, at the behest of government of AP and approvals to the same given by the
01:43successive ERCs have led to under-utilization of generation capacities of AP GENCO, sir.
01:50This should be noted, sir.
01:54It needs no reiteration that to avoid such a lopsided situation and to ensure optimum
02:01utilization of generation capacities of AP GENCO, a prudent mix of power to be in tune
02:07with the fluctuating demand curve to the extent technically feasible should be ensured.
02:15That brings to the fore of the role of the government of AP and the discounts and the
02:20regulatory role of successive ERCs and they cannot absolve themselves of their part of
02:26responsibility for this lopsided situation of availability of abnormal quantity of surplus
02:33power and its breaking down on the one hand, and the purchasing abnormal quantity of quantum
02:42of power in the market and through exchange at higher prices on the other hand.
02:48Sir, this is the most important, sir, regarding power purchase agreements.
02:55Everybody is criticizing on this, sir.
02:59But nowadays there is another situation, sir, regarding smart meters, sir.
03:05But wherever we go, now there is a discussion about smart meters.
03:11The present government headed by Mr. Chandrababu Naidu at the time of elections, many times
03:16he told that they are not going to put up smart meters.
03:21Some Telugu nation leaders, they said if the government comes forward or discounts
03:28come forward to put up smart meters, they asked the people, particularly the consumers,
03:35to destroy the smart meters.
03:38At the time of elections, even before elections also, they campaigned like that, sir.
03:46But now we request the Honorable Commission, not to destroy, but we are asking this, sir.
03:56We request the Honorable Commission to hold public hearings on the issues of purchases
04:02of smart and prepaid meters, their installation to agricultural and non-agricultural services
04:08connections and the procedure that discounts propose to adopt prepaid metering to ensure
04:16observance of the cardinal principles of transparency, accountability and public participation in
04:23its regulatory process.
04:25So we request the Honorable Commission Chairman and Member to conduct a public inquiry on
04:33these smart meters, sir.
04:36Sir, regarding the last point I wanted to say, it is the most important point, sir.
04:43But this is, nowadays it has been discussed not only in Andhra Pradesh, not only in India,
04:51even the entire world it is a discussion point, sir.
04:54Point number 52, sir.
04:57We would like to bring to the notice of the Honorable Commission that the Department of
05:02Justice of USA in its indictment, crime number 24 CR 433, filed in the United States District
05:10Court, Eastern District Court of New York, against Gautam S. Adani and others, has pointed
05:19out that they offered bribes to Indian government officials, they offered bribes to Indian government
05:28officials to facilitate signing of long-term power supply agreements with discounts of
05:36some of the states to sell solar power from their plants through Solar Power Corporation
05:42of India, that is SEKI.
05:46The indictment pointed out that, sir, kindly noted, sir, the manufacturing-linked project
05:55was anticipated to generate considerable profits for its energy producers.
06:01For example, the U.S. issuer anticipated that over approximately 20 years, the manufacturing-linked
06:09project would generate more than $2 billion in profit after tax, $2 billion in profit
06:19after tax.
06:20Sir, it further pointed out that, in furtherance of bribery scheme, the co-conspirators through
06:31Gautam Adani, Sagar Adani and Vinit S. Jain and others, had offered and promised to Indian
06:39government officials approximately 2,029 crores of rupees in bribes in exchange for Indian
06:48government officials causing the state electricity distribution companies to exude PSAs under
06:55the manufacturing-linked project, which would benefit the Indian energy companies' subsidies
07:02and the U.S. issuer.
07:04Sir, in this, among this, approximately 1,750 crores of rupees of the corrupt payments was
07:15offered to foreign officials causing Andhra Pradesh state electricity distribution companies
07:20to agree to purchase 7 gigawatts of solar power from SEKI under the manufacturing-linked
07:29Sir, never in the history, sir, not only in Andhra Pradesh, sir, nowhere in India, sir,
07:38it has occurred, sir.
07:411,750 crores of rupees they have given as bribes, sir.
07:47Sir, here I request, sir, it is for purchase of 7,000 megawatts solar power from the plants
07:54of Adani group in Rajasthan involving these fraudulent transactions.
08:00The indictment termed them, the indictment termed them the bribery and obstruction scheme,
08:07the illegal bribery scheme, the securities fraud and wire fraud schemes, the corrupt
08:12solar project, the corrupt solar project, the fraud scheme, fraudulent transactions,
08:20securities fraud conspiracy, wire fraud conspiracy, conspiracy to obstruct justice, sir.
08:29For this, the APERC, Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulator Commission gave its consent to APDISCOM
08:41to enter into PCA and finally to this.
08:46This is very, very unfortunate, sir, very, very unfortunate, sir.
08:52Not in India, sir, even in America they are discussing about this case, sir.
08:57But our APERC has given consent for this fraudulent scheme, corrupt scheme, the corrupt
09:07solar power project.
09:11Everybody is astonished, sir, without making details of these issues public, without making
09:19details of the issues to public, without holding public hearings, despite repeated requests
09:26made by us for the same, we have given consent for it, sir.
09:31This is very unfortunate, sir.
09:34After that, myself went to High Court on this issue, sir.
09:40And also, at that time, MLA, Public Accounts Committee Chairman, Mr. Payyaul K. Shev, he
09:50is also a Telugadesam leader, presently the Finance Minister of Government of Andhra Pradesh,
09:56he also, after me, he also filed case against this agreement, sir, in the High Court.
10:03But nobody knows, after it is, we have filed the case in 2021, even today the High Court
10:16is not taking up for discussion.
10:20This APERC, you gave a consent for it.
10:24So that, I request you, sir, to go through the details.
10:30This is a crucial time for, on the power generation, particularly our power sector.
10:39If you withdraw the consent, then only we can save the power sector in Andhra Pradesh,
10:46Otherwise, nobody can save power sector in Andhra Pradesh, sir.
10:53Nobody can save power sector in Andhra Pradesh, sir, because the agreement is for 25 years.
11:02Even the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Mr. Chandrababu Naidu, he gave a presentation
11:09regarding this, sir.
11:11Only 1,10,000 crores additional burden will be on electricity consumers.
11:20So I request the Commission, particularly Chairman, Secretary, Member, to withdraw the
11:27consent for this, sir, because the truth is different, sir.
11:34Even the public is also discussing about this Electricity Regulator Commission, sir, though
11:41even Tamil Nadu government also, they have withdrawn the agreement with Adani, sir.
11:49So we request the Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulator Commission, this is the right opportunity
11:55for you.
11:56It is a historic opportunity for you to withdraw the consent by the APRC, sir, because to save
12:05the power sector, it is essential, sir.
12:09Many things we can discuss, we can solve it, no problem, sir.
12:14Anyway, lastly, I wanted to say about the public opinion about our Regulatory Commission,
12:21The regulatory role of the Commission in protecting larger consumer interest is turning out to
12:32be marginal.
12:35It is turning out to be marginal and that it is facilitating imposition of more and
12:41more burdens on the consumers, sir.
12:45I am very sorry, sir, this is the public opinion, sir.
12:50So a historic opportunity has come to you, sir, to save the power sector in Andhra Pradesh.
12:59Nobody is talking about this, sir, but in India there is a new trend, sir, nobody is
13:06prepared to speak against Adani.
13:10Even the judiciary, they are unable to speak against Adani, the official, they are unable
13:15to speak against Adani, even the chief minister at the time of assembly session, he cannot
13:21utter a word against Adani.
13:24This is very unfortunate situation prevailing in India, sir.
13:28So I request the Commission, sir, to take this opportunity to save the sector, this
13:35power sector in Andhra Pradesh, sir.
13:38Even anyway, lastly, I am congratulating the people who are working power sector, the contact
13:46labour, engineers and other people, even the officials, they are working hard.
13:53One should appreciate their efforts.
13:56But to save power sector, first and foremost thing, on this juncture, to cancel all the
14:04agreements between Sikhi and this country, sir.
14:08Thank you, sir.
15:26Questioner 1 – Good morning to all of you.
15:33I am from Grasim Industries and we are having our chloralkali plant at Palbhadrapuram, East
15:40Sir, I am requesting, as chloralkali industries, as per Bureau of Energy is covered under power
15:50intensive industry.
15:52But in power tariff, there are separate rates for ferroalloy industry because they are power
15:59As we are also power intensive, so we should also be covered under that.
16:04Because power is, pardon, what is our industry, industry, chloralkali, ferroalloy, ferroalloy.
16:16Because chloralkali, cost of production, power cost is 70% part of that.
16:22So we request you, sir, this, our request should be considered while finalising your
16:29final tariff order.
16:31Last year we also raised this point and last year comments was that it is under purview
16:36of APRC but still we have not received any comment from your side, sir.
16:41Which one, which one you need?
16:45Which one, sir?
16:46Which clarification you want?
16:49First clarification about considering power intensive chloralkali industry.
16:56Okay, I will address it, yeah, okay, thank you.
17:01And apart from that, FPPC charges is also very high, sir.
17:09And we are losing approx 7 to 8 crore on account of FPPC charges.
17:16And one more, FPPC charges, we are getting true order after completion of year.
17:22So actually if it is on monthly basis or quarterly basis, so that we can also recover from our
17:29But we are not able to recover from our customer because true order after finalisation of year.
17:38And one more request, sir.
17:41In some states, instead of bank deposit, they are considering bank guarantee for deposit.
17:49And we are having approx 18 crore for deposit.
17:52So we are losing and it blocks our working capital also.
17:58And one more objection, sir, peak hour rate and high grid demand should be same because
18:06for the 6 month it is 1 rupees 1.5 and for 6 month it is 1 rupees.
18:12So in totality, sir, if I see power intensive, FPPCA and deposit on account of, it is approx
18:2020 crore we are losing on account of power.
18:24So we request, sir, while finalising tariff, please consider our.
18:29Okay, thank you.
18:31One more, sir, if you consider our, suppose if you are raising bill and you are giving
18:41option to pay early payment, so that we can get some discount also, Odisha state is giving
18:48this type of discount industry.
18:50You want to allow some rebate?
18:52Yes, sir.
18:53This is our submission, sir.
18:56Okay, thank you.
18:57Thank you, sir.
18:58Dinesh Reddy, South Central Railway, Senior Divisional Electrical Engineer.
19:12I am Dinesh Reddy, Senior Divisional Electrical Engineer representing South Central Railway
19:16from Indian Airways.
19:19So these are my objections, sir.
19:22So brief, as you already know, Indian Airways is the largest and prime public-powered freight
19:27transport of the nation at economic prices.
19:31We play a vital role in economical and financial growth of the country.
19:35As per GOA policy, the railway network over Indian Airways is being electrified under
19:39Mission 100% electrification to enrich carbon-free transportation and reduce oil import burden.
19:45So we are going for 100% electrification of all the lines.
19:48Electric traction is operationally efficient system, promotes local industries development,
19:53energy efficient and eco-friendly system, reducing carbon footprint and protection of
19:58the environment.
19:59Railways operates around the clock with 30% load factor, contributing to maintain and
20:05increase grid stability.
20:06Railways is a bulk consumer of electrical energy and pays energy bills very promptly.
20:13And briefly, sir, South Central Railway, our part is that Indian Airways is availing power
20:21through 62 substations, sir, of which SCR 45 substations, East Coast Railway 12 substations.
20:27One minute, one minute.
20:28Please silence, please.
20:30Silence, please.
20:36Okay, go ahead.
20:38We are availing power through 62 substations, sir, in which SCR, which is our zone, takes
20:45from 45 substations, East Coast Railway 12 substations, Southern Railway 2 substations
20:49and South Western Railway 3 substations from state of Andhra Pradesh, sir.
20:52Projected traction energy consumption for last year is 2,618 MU units, sir, with
20:58contributed of 883 MVA and projected transfer of 2,773 crores, sir.
21:04And last year we paid around 999 crores, sir.
21:07In the retail tariff order of last year, sir, only railway electrification charges were
21:11increased, sir, by 1 rupee, and for which other LTSD consumers of all types were retained,
21:19sir, with a national burden of approximately 270 crores.
21:23So last year only railway has been increased on tariff order, sir, compared to other LTSD
21:28consumers, sir.
21:29High traction tariffs in state of Andhra Pradesh has become non-viable for upcoming
21:33electrification projects and further upgradation works state of Andhra Pradesh, sir.
21:37Inner railways is availing traction power through open access in 12 states, sir, with
21:42an average of 6.14 rupees, but in Andhra Pradesh state, railways is paying an average rate
21:47of 7.89 rupees, sir, which is almost 1.7 rupees more than the other corresponding average,
21:54and affecting the other, affecting the operation cost of railways, sir.
21:57High tariff for railway traction is forcing railways to explore other alternatives to
22:02avail power through other bilateral agreements to reduce the cost of energy building.
22:10In this connection, sir, we pray that, we pray to commission that existing tariff under
22:15category HD4 railway traction is to be reduced and fixed reasonably in Andhra Pradesh state
22:21to avoid high operating cost and burden on general public and to make electrification
22:25and upgradation works more viable, sir.
22:29Additive traction tariff in line with open access states or in line with states of Odisha
22:34and Telangana may be considered, sir.
22:36We find IAP is charging more compared to other states, sir.
22:39Reasonable rate on prompt payment of energy bills may be considered, sir.
22:44You know, example, in Odisha, for prompt payment of bills, they give rebate, sir.
22:49So, in same lines, we also expect rebate of 1% from the monthly bills if you pay promptly
22:54the bills, sir.
22:55Railway may be considered for exemption from burden of cross-subsidy surcharge by virtue
22:59of provisions of national tariff policy issued by MOP, sir.
23:03Honorable commission is pleaded to consider railway's objection and requested to reduce
23:07the existing tariff scheduled for railway traction as railway is bulk consumer and prompt
23:11payer of energy bills.
23:13Thank you, sir.
23:14This is our work.
