• 2 months ago


00:00How does climate change, sustainability affect the state of Odisha and how the Odisha government is also
00:06making efforts into into that segment. I think that is an important topic to be discussed and so I'm looking forward to discussing that
00:14tomorrow after the Prime Minister's inaugural speech.
00:17You know, Odisha each and every year is tend to
00:22face a disaster and Odisha has got the National Disaster Management Award also
00:28for mitigating disasters.
00:30So Odisha has a superpower.
00:33The people from, if you'll see, the disaster management revenue, the government of Odisha,
00:39especially in Oslo also, the people they are very expertise in managing this in the time of cyclone and all these things.
00:46So what do you want to say?
00:48Yeah, I mean the the geography of the state is very specific. It has a long coastline.
00:54So anything related to water is
00:57I guess an important topic here.
00:58But it also creates some opportunity. The expertise that is being developed in managing these risks related to water, to
01:05cyclones and so on, can also be brought into innovative products and services. So tomorrow I'm actually speaking about sustainability technologies.
01:14So managing these kinds of risks also develops expertise.
01:18Maybe it can also relate to transfer of technology into new innovations that companies can also use.
01:24You know, I'm based in Switzerland.
01:25We also have a lot of attachment to nature. So I can see some synergies between the two
01:30places to see how they can talk about, for instance, marine science or marine biotechnology and so on.
01:37ETV Bharat has a broad spectrum of coverage.
01:40So the
01:43people they want to know from you, how you can help Odisha in
01:47especially environmental, climatic change, the opportunities, challenges. So what are the focus areas?
01:53Especially, can you share one or two things?
01:57Yeah, I think the access to the to the sea from from Odisha is an important asset the state has and
02:04you know, Switzerland is a landlocked country. We don't have access to a large sea, but we have expertise and companies developing
02:12technologies related to water because we have a lot of rivers, a lot of lakes in Switzerland.
02:17So I can see an interesting transfer of technology and also in terms of scalability because the size also is very different.
02:23Switzerland is 9 million people. Here, I'm told it's more than 40 million people.
02:27So the scalability of these technologies could also be interesting. So I think marine biotechnology, ocean, oceanography,
02:34that could be very interesting topics to further explore.
02:37Odisha has a land, if you'll see, the coastal highway, 450 kilometers, very broad also.
02:45do you think that Odisha has a lot of things, especially if you'll see
02:51your profession, your expertise, your ideas,
02:56reformations regarding many things in the state in Odisha, can go to a higher extent by your support?
03:03Yeah, the idea now is
03:05between Switzerland and India.
03:07Last year, there's an agreement that has been signed, the trade and economic partnership agreement.
03:11So now India and Switzerland are very well connected and now it is on the
03:16government side, state government and federal government, to connect to see where the relevant areas of
03:21partnerships and collaborations can be and then leverage those partnerships because now we have a unique system where we have
03:28facilitation of exchanges between the two, trade, commerce and so on. So
03:32this is just the beginning of a new momentum in the relationship
03:37between Switzerland and India in terms of economic and industry. So it's very promising.
03:42Global warming is a threat across the globe.
03:48Yes, global warming is
03:49also an important topic.
03:52Everybody has to play their role. Everybody has a responsibility towards this challenge.
03:57So here also collective
04:00responsibility and
04:01collaboration and alignment in the objectives we want to achieve on a global scale will be very important. And a country as sizable as India
04:08with 1.4 billion people is also expected somehow to also take the lead in setting the agenda and pushing forward that.
04:15This is what the Indian government is also doing.
04:18In two weeks from now, there will be the World Economic Forum in Davos and every year India is very present there
04:23and they're also pushing for the agenda for carbon neutrality, net zero
04:28objectives. So this initiative, this momentum has to be kept and further increased and then get the alignment also from other places, other countries
04:36so that we can all go into the same direction in tackling this challenge.
04:40What are the areas, my last question is, what are the areas you want to develop especially in the disaster management?
04:47So you will focus for the state government in Odisha?
04:51I think the anticipation of meteorological changes and the expertise in calculations of these risks.
