• vor 2 Monaten
Nr. 24 erzählt die Lebensgeschichte von Gunnar Sønsteby aus Rjukan, der sich am Tag der Invasion der Nazis dem Widerstand anschließt und später der Anführer der berüchtigten Oslo-Gang wird, die erfolgreiche Sabotageaktionen gegen die Nazis durchführt.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/nr-24


00:20Have you turned 25 yet? Yes
00:23There's a chance you won't get older have you considered that I can accept that
00:40Have things that occurred during the war bothered you afterwards
00:46My mind never rested and I let very little get to me for if I'd done that I would have been done for
00:58Are a lot of people looking for me and there will be more I'm inclined to believe
01:04Don't do anything to find out your real identity
01:14Take these with you and always carry them. You cannot let them take you alive
01:20You have to do your job and we will do ours
01:33Because what happens in war is that subtle differences just disappear and things become black and white and all at once
01:40completely different rules apply
01:43Who's taken whom when where that is vital information you and I die with do you hear me?
01:48So non-violence was never something you ever considered I lost eight
01:53Of my dear friends during the resistance and that was by order of the Germans
01:58But how would you have reacted if your best friends were betrayed?
02:04You take him out of town then shoot him
02:10I believe that freedom is worth almost anything
02:17For it's either freedom or it's death