• 2 months ago
00:00Slow down, man.
00:01I'm trying to get my legs out of the glass.
00:06Is this a peice of glass?
00:09I can't even get out.
00:12I can't even get my legs out.
00:13What do you think?
00:14My legs are stuck in the glass.
00:16I just can't get them out.
00:17My hands are stuck in the glass.
00:18What should I do?
00:19Get a hand pump.
00:20Get a hand pump.
00:21Get a hand pump.
00:22It must be at the end of the glass.
00:24I can't.
00:25Oh, my God.
00:26Oh, my God, I'm going crazy.
00:27I can't do it.
00:28I'm going to die.
00:29I was in the shop, and I saw a gun.
00:31I thought, it's a trap.
00:33I thought, I'm going to die.
00:35I thought, I'm going to die.
01:21One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, twenty-ten, twenty-eleven, twenty-twelve, twenty-thirty, twenty-forty, twenty-forty-five, twenty-forty-six, twenty-forty-seven, twenty-forty-eight, twenty-forty-nine, twenty-forty-eight, twenty-forty-eight, twenty-forty-nine, twenty-forty-eight, twenty-forty-nine, twenty-forty-eight, twenty-forty-eight, twenty-forty-nine, twenty-forty-eight, twenty-forty-eight, twenty-forty-eight, twenty-forty-eight, twenty-forty
01:51Ninety-nine, sixty-five, ninety-nine, twenty-six, twenty-eighty, twenty-nine, twenty-three,
02:15No, he hasn't come yet.
02:34Give me a second, I'll be late.
02:45I'll be right back.
03:15I'll be right back.
03:45I'll be right back.
03:50I'll be right back.
04:15I'll be right back.
