• 2 months ago
रामगिरी महाराज यांच्या वादग्रस्त वक्तव्यानं पुन्हा एकदा वाद निर्माण होण्याची शक्यता आहे. आपलं राष्ट्रगीत हे इंग्रजांचं स्तुतीगीत असून ते बदला, अशी मागणी रामगिरी महाराजांनी केली.


00:00What mistakes are you teaching yourself?
00:03One more problem.
00:06Before the film starts,
00:09listen to the national anthem.
00:13I don't know how many people know the history of this national anthem.
00:20But today I will speak the truth and tell you.
00:23Maybe you don't know.
00:26This song was sung by Ravindra Rath Tagore in 1911 in Calcutta.
00:35India was not independent in 1911.
00:41Who did Ravindra Rath Tagore sing in Calcutta?
00:45He sang it in front of George Pancham.
00:48Who was this George Pancham?
00:50This George Pancham was the British King.
00:53He sang this song in front of the British King.
00:58He sang this song in support of the British King.
01:01This song is not a response to the nation.
01:04In the future, we will have to fight this too.
01:07That's why the real national anthem should be Vande Mataram.
01:11Vande Mataram.
01:13Sujataam, Subatam, Balaji, Sitaam, Satya, Shyam, Vandam, Mataram.
01:17This is the real national anthem.
01:19I have already explained this in detail.
01:22But now you will understand how much we are being betrayed.
01:26It has been happening till now.
01:28And it is still happening.
01:30The incident of 1911.
01:33Ravindra Rath Tagore is standing in front of George Pancham.
01:36And he is singing George Pancham's Shruti.
01:39What Shruti is he singing?
01:40Jan Gan Man Adhinayak Jai.
01:43George Pancham.
01:45George Pancham who committed atrocities on India.
01:48British George Pancham.
01:50They are praising George Pancham.
01:53And they are saying,
01:54Jan Gan Man Adhinayak Jai.
01:56Bharat Bhagya Vidhata.
01:57You are the Bhagya Vidhata of India.
01:59Who is George Pancham?
02:02Punjab, Sindh, Gujarat, Maratha.
02:05These are the names of all the states.
02:07Punjab, Sindh, Gujarat, Maratha.
02:10Vrind, Himachal, Yamuna, Ganga.
02:13What are they doing?
02:14Utsala, Jaladi Tarang.
02:15The waves are coming from here.
02:17What kind of waves are coming?
02:18Tava Shubh Naane Jage.
02:19They have risen in your name.
02:22Tava Shubh Aashish Maage.
02:23They are asking for your blessings.
02:27Tava Shubh Aashish Maage.
02:28Gaaye Tava Jai Gaata.
02:29You are singing Jai Jai Gaata.
02:31Jan Gan Mangal Dayak Jai.
02:33Bharat Bhagya Vidhata.
02:34You are the Bhagya Vidhata of India.
02:36This is the kind of praise.
02:37George Pancham has been praised by Ravindra Rath Tagore.
02:43There is not a single word of praise for the nation.
02:47Now, maybe some people will take an objection to my words.
02:51But it is history.
02:53You can search for history.
02:54These words are not mine.
02:57Ravindra Rath Tagore has done a great job.
03:00Ravindra Rath Tagore has done a great job in the education system.
03:03But keep in mind,
03:04the people who still run the education system,
03:06they have to keep balance with politics.
03:09Only then will the education system work.
03:10In the British era,
03:11the people who ruled India,
03:13the people who run the education system,
03:15they have to keep balance with the British.
03:17That is why they have praised the British.
03:19And on this praise,
03:20they have won the Nobel Prize.
03:23That is why,
03:24the true national anthem,
03:25Vandi Mataram,
03:26should be sung.
03:27In the future,
03:28we will have to fight for it.
03:32why should we use such words of slavery?
03:36We do not know the history.
03:39we have taken a huge advantage of our emotions.
03:44not in a different way,
03:45but from the education system,
03:47we have been taught the history of mistakes.
03:49We have been taught,
03:50in Rama's,
03:51Krishna's teachings,
03:52in school education,
03:55Aryans came to India from the west.
03:57And after coming to India,
03:58they had a group called Bharat.
04:00And because of that,
04:01the name Bharat Desh was given.
04:02We have been taught the history of mistakes.
04:05Bharat Desh,
04:07is not a group of Aryans from the west.
04:10And Aryans were not from the west.
04:12Aryans were Indians.
04:13Aryans were our ancestors.
04:16did not come from the west.
04:18did not come from the west.
04:19And Aryan culture,
04:20is nowhere in the west.
04:23Aryan culture is only in India.
04:25And they are Indians.
04:27they came from the west.
04:28This was the intention of the British.
04:32you are not the real Aryans.
04:33They have come from there.
04:35they have come from the west.
04:36This was their intention.
04:38he is not the real history.
04:41And that is why,
04:43the real history should be in front of the society.
