• 2 months ago


00:00I believe in transparency.
00:04Since 1950, when the committee system was formed, we have had a convention that we work
00:07in consensus, above the party line, in the interest of the country.
00:10This is the beauty of our party system.
00:12And the JPC, which the parliament has trusted, has given this matter to the JPC.
00:15And I have complete faith in the JPC.
00:17And I have complete faith in the JPC.
00:20And I have complete faith in the JPC.
00:22And I have complete faith in the JPC.
00:24And I have complete faith in the JPC.
00:26And I have complete faith in the JPC.
00:28And I have complete faith in the JPC.
00:30And I have complete faith in the JPC.
00:32And I have complete faith in the JPC.
00:34And I have complete faith in the JPC.
00:36And I have complete faith in the JPC.
00:38And I have complete faith in the JPC.
00:40And I have complete faith in the JPC.
00:42And I have complete faith in the JPC.
00:44And I have complete faith in the JPC.
00:46And I have complete faith in the JPC.
00:48Do you think you will be able to make a consensus and unite everyone in this world?
00:52Look, I have complete faith.
00:54Look, I have complete faith.
00:56Every person, no matter which party they belong to,
00:58Every person, no matter which party they belong to,
01:00has a national interest in their passion,
01:02has a national interest in their passion,
01:04and it stays in their mind.
01:06And I have no distrust of anyone.
01:08And I have complete faith.
01:10I have worked in the JPC for the Public Trust Amendment Bill
01:12and Digital Personal Data Protection.
01:14And I have worked in the JPC for the Public Trust Amendment Bill
01:16and I have received a lot of support from all parties.
01:18and I have received a lot of support from all parties.
01:20And I have received a lot of support
01:22that my experience was very good.
01:24And I have complete faith that we will all make a decision together.
01:26Because this decision is not mine alone.
01:28Because this decision is not mine alone.
01:30We will all make a decision together.
01:32There will be a consensus and it will be for the benefit of the country.
01:34I can tell you this.
01:46Take a seat.
01:48This meeting consists of members from different members of the authorities.
01:50You can ask questions,
01:52You can ask questions,
01:54We will heart the questions.
01:58Q. First question,
02:00How did the PI and Sanjay first meet?
02:02And how does Almighty complete his work with HM tavav and Sanjay?
02:04And how does Almighty complete his work with HR 짜nav?
02:06And how does Ammity complete their work with HR java?
02:08and how does Ammity complete their work with HR java?
02:10CI can you wait for a minute.
02:12I can't wait anymore.
02:14I want to ask you, you are the chairman of the first meeting, what will be the process?
02:21As far as the process is concerned, we will try that all the stakeholders,
02:28whose opinion is very important, whether they are legal experts,
02:35or from civil society, or judiciary, from different fields,
02:41we are political parties, we will try to listen to everyone,
02:49take everyone's input, take everyone's opinion,
02:53and after taking that opinion, we will unbiasedly, with an open mind,
03:05and we will examine it dispassionately,
03:13and without any prejudice, we will do it with an open mind,
03:21and we will try to reach consensus,
03:28because all the honourable members of the parliament are very eminent people,
03:36and I have complete faith that we will work together in the national interest,
03:45and we will try to reach consensus, this will be our effort.
03:50Sir, today is the first day, what will be the process?
03:53Sir, today is the first day, what will be the process?
04:01This is not the decision of the chairman, we will take it together,
04:05all the members together, with everyone's opinion,
04:08and then we will decide how to proceed step by step.
04:13Sir, details have been given to the members to read,
04:17what are the volumes, what are the laws, what can be done?
04:21Look, our effort is with complete transparency,
04:26because our parliament, since 1950,
04:32and since the formation of the committee system,
04:35our convention has been that we will reach consensus,
04:39all the members work in the national interest,
04:44this is the beauty of our party system,
04:46and I have complete faith in the JPC,
04:51and I have complete faith that we will all work together in the national interest.
