• 2 months ago
यमुना जल समझौते की क्रियान्वयन के लिए मंगलवार को दिल्ली में राजस्थान और हरियाणा के मुख्यमंत्री के साथ केंद्रीय मंत्रियों के बीच बैठक हुई.


00:00Today, the Central Minister, C.R. Patil, the Chief Minister of Haryana, D.R. Singh,
00:08Today, there has been a lot of talk about the Yamuna Treaty.
00:13And the work of the DPR will begin soon.
00:18The DPR will move forward with full commitment.
00:22In this way, the peace between the two states is very good.
00:26For a long time, both the states have been working on the Yamuna Treaty.
00:30We have succeeded in the Yamuna Treaty.
00:35And for that, we have prepared the DPR.
00:37The DPR is being prepared by the officials of Haryana and Rajasthan.
00:44I would like to say that under the leadership of the country's Chief Minister, Narendra Modi,
00:49I would like to say that there is no shortage of water anywhere in the country, not just in Rajasthan.
01:07The access water that we have, we discussed it with him.
01:17We have said that a joint task force will be formed.
01:21We will make a joint task force for Haryana.
01:25And the work for the DPR will begin soon.
01:28The access water that is used for the rainy season, it is good that the people of Rajasthan get it.
01:35And for that, we will make a joint task force.
01:39Whatever Rajasthan wants to see, we will do it.
01:46Will Rajasthan also provide access water to Haryana?
01:50No, we will work jointly.
01:52Because Haryana also has a district of Bhiwani or Mahindragarh.
01:56We will work jointly so that water can go to that district as well.
02:01When will the DPR be formed?
02:03We have spoken to the task force today.
02:06And the task force will be formed soon.
02:08Both the joint officials will sit down and discuss the DPR.
02:11And we will work on that.
