• 2 months ago
Attalus, a war prisoner by Rome, proves his valor in the arena, becomes a gladiator trainer, conquers the women's hearts | dG1fV05QeTZSZnJrQ1U
00:00The End
00:15Continue fighting, don't stop for anything.
00:18That's exactly it, from beginning to end.
00:21Be it against the Huns or the hated Praetorians of Rome,
00:24he doesn't stop for anything.
00:26For who's to stop the Magnificent Gladiator?
00:30It's not ours!
00:31What are you saying?
00:32I'm saying that all he had to do was to break four heads
00:34in order to win over Galenius, his daughter, and all of Rome.
00:38Will you free my people if I accept?
00:40A slave of tyranny, a ruler of an empire,
00:43alone, outnumbered, but magnificent,
00:47the Magnificent Gladiator.
00:50Everyone is in need of his indomitable strength,
00:52but he refuses to accept their favors in exchange for liberty.
00:56It's deceit you're trusting, Valida.
00:58You would go against your own father.
01:01The Senate had nothing to do with it.
01:03I was condemned to death by your father.
01:05By my father?
01:06Is the destiny of Rome in the hands of an emperor
01:10or an imposter?
01:12You could stay the execution.
01:15The Senate would be ready to grant whatever you desire.
01:18The Magnificent Gladiator.
01:20In the arena against insurmountable odds,
01:23in the enemy's camp, or wherever action is needed,
01:27you'll find the Magnificent Gladiator.
01:30Kill the nation!
01:31I want him to be executed publicly,
01:37in the arena for everyone to see.
01:41His followers are persecuted and killed,
01:43but they fight to the last man.
01:45They don't stop for anything.
01:47Whenever and wherever the tyrants brandish their swords,
01:50the Magnificent Gladiator and his valiant band
01:52rush into battle with the flame of liberty in their hearts.
01:57The Magnificent Gladiator and his band of courageous
02:00and very unpredictable men.
02:02Lancer Drusillo.
02:03At your command.
02:04Are you ready?
02:05I'm ready, sir.
02:06Go then.
02:08But where are you going?
02:10I'm getting out of here.
02:12You have a duty to perform.
02:14You think I'm crazy?
02:15By all the gods, why, that's the emperor.
02:18I thought I was struck by lightning when I saw him.
02:21The same face, same voice.
02:23Why is he a man to fear?
02:25But why's that?
02:27Simply because I don't suppose that the passage of time
02:31between my coronation and the hour of my death
02:34would take very long.
02:37No, no, no!
02:44The Magnificent Gladiator.
02:46Slave, prisoner, king, and secret love of the women
02:51who grace the emperor's court.
02:53And you'll be my empress, Claire.
02:55I promise you.
02:56Love, ambition, betrayal, passion,
02:59and the sweetest of virtues.
03:02A woman ready to sacrifice her life for a slave,
03:06a prisoner, a king, for the Magnificent Gladiator.
03:11Thrilling, fantastic, an unforgettable adventure.
03:15Violent, cruel, magnificent.
03:18The Magnificent Gladiator.
03:20The Magnificent Gladiator.
