• hace 2 meses
Discurso de la actriz Demi Moore tras ganar su primer globo de oro.


00:00Oh, wow, I really wasn't expecting that.
00:06I'm just in shock right now.
00:09I've been doing this a long time, like over 45 years.
00:13And this is the first time I've ever won anything as an actor.
00:19And I'm just so humbled and so grateful.
00:24Three years ago, I had a producer tell me that I was a popcorn actress.
00:30And at that time, I made that mean that this wasn't something that I was allowed to have,
00:39that I could do movies that were successful, that made a lot of money,
00:43but that I couldn't be acknowledged.
00:45And I bought in, and I believed that.
00:49And that corroded me over time to the point where I thought a few years ago
00:53that maybe this was it. Maybe I was complete.
00:56Maybe I've done what I was supposed to do.
00:59And as I was at kind of a low point, I had this magical, bold, courageous,
01:06out-of-the-box, absolutely bonkers script come across my desk called The Substance.
01:13And the universe told me that you're not done.
01:16And I am so grateful to Corley for trusting me to step in and play this woman.
01:22For Margaret, for being the other half of me that I couldn't have done without,
01:28for looking out for me.
01:30To the people who've been with me for over 30 years, Kevin Eubane, Jason Weinberg,
01:35everybody at CAA, Untitled, Lead, all of the people who stood by me,
01:40especially the people who've believed in me when I haven't believed in myself.
01:44And I'll just leave you with one thing that I think this movie is imparting,
01:49is in those moments when we don't think we're smart enough, or pretty enough,
01:54or skinny enough, or successful enough, or basically just not enough,
01:59I had a woman say to me, just know, you will never be enough,
02:05but you can know the value of your worth if you just put down the measuring stick.
02:10And so today, I celebrate this as a marker of my wholeness
02:15and of the love that is driving me, and for the gift of doing something I love
02:20and being reminded that I do belong.
02:22Thank you so much.
