• 2 months ago
जयपुर सहित प्रदेश के सातों संभागों में बालिका सैनिक स्कूल खोले जाएंगे. इस दिशा में शिक्षा विभाग ने काम शुरू कर दिया है.


00:00No area is left unattended for the boys.
00:05In all the areas, the boys are doing their work like the boys.
00:12That is, the women are working like the men.
00:16That is why they are fulfilling their role in the army as well.
00:23That is why they will get military education.
00:27The decision to open a military school was taken in the budget of the Bhanti Mandal.
00:3512,000 crores of education has been provided.
00:39It will be from that as well.
00:41It will be from the donations that we collect.
00:44And it will also be from the government budget.
