• 2 months ago
महान साहित्यकार मुंशी प्रेमचंद के नाती प्रबोध कुमार की आज जयंती है. प्रबोध कुमार ने दुनिया को बेबी हलदार जैसी साहित्यकार को दिया.


00:00There is a small village near the sea called Deori.
00:12His literary heritage is very big.
00:16He is the son of Premchandji's elder daughter Kamlaji.
00:22And we all know that Premchandji's elder daughter's son was born in a rich family in Deori near the sea.
00:32Her husband Bahadev Prasadji was a great lawyer.
00:36And there was a big name and reputation in the legal world of the sea in the rich family.
00:43In the later days, they settled in the civil line area of the city.
00:50Premchandji was born in 1935.
00:55Premchandji's maternal grandfather was born in the cultural land of literary heritage and literature.
01:05It is obvious that he grew up in the sea.
01:08So he studied in the sea library.
01:10And he did his Ph.D. in the Department of Humanities and Sciences.
01:16And he studied there for a few days.
01:18In the later days, he went to Poland and Austria to do his Ph.D.
01:28And when he returned from there, he did his Ph.D. in Kolkata.
01:34And then he lived in Kolkata for the rest of his life.
01:37It was during his stay in Kolkata that he met Baby Haldar.
01:45Baby Haldar was from a backward area of Kolkata.
01:50And he got married at the age of 13.
01:54As you know, illiteracy is a part of poverty.
01:58And then at a very young age, she faced a lot of problems.
02:04And one day, she left everything and came to Kolkata.
02:08And she worked as a domestic help in people's homes.
02:14In the same way, she also started working as a domestic help in Prabodh Kumar's house.
02:20She studied in Bangla.
02:23And she studied till 5th or 7th grade.
02:26She could speak well.
02:27But it was difficult for her to write and read.
02:30Because education was never the main goal of her life.
02:35Life itself was the biggest challenge.
02:38In the same way, Prabodh Kumar saw her passion.
02:42She read books with great enthusiasm.
02:45She paid great attention to reading and writing.
02:47And from here, Prabodh Kumar...
02:50Because he was an ordinary person, he could not understand this.
02:54The literary and cultural sensitivity that he had...
02:59The genetic...
03:00The internal environment that he had...
03:03The inner environment that he had...
03:05He read in that.
03:07And he inspired Baby Haldar to write something.
03:11The question was, what should I write?
03:13He said, no.
03:15You should write your own story.
03:17Write your own life.
03:19That was also a big problem for Baby Haldar.
03:22A life that had nothing but pain and struggle.
03:26What could she write?
03:27She said, she could not write.
03:29She could not bear to write.
03:31Prabodh Kumar said, write as you feel like.
03:35And then that inspiration became an example in the entire Indian literature.
03:42And Baby Haldar started writing.
03:44Her life began to change.
03:46And slowly, slowly, slowly, she wrote in Bangla.
03:49In her own style.
03:51There was no literary skill.
03:53There was no artistic way.
03:56But it is said that when simplicity...
03:59When simplicity comes down to its essence...
04:03Then nothing can be greater than that.
