• 2 months ago


00:00The more than it will be the double
00:03because Q a bit or election water NASA Amara party preparation met high election or job
00:11election Jita to
00:14ministries or government car
00:17may come karate
00:19Itness a main a meal. Ah, it's got preparation kidney. So I can promise India I can promise the
00:26Government of India that next time next privacy divas double hojaya
00:46No, Moji Mojito, but a pranam or
00:50humbug, but I'm grateful him or DG
00:54India and Mojito
00:57Okay, it's not your development or I have Mauritius me
01:02sub India cable dollars
01:05India is helping Mauritius India either is the first
01:09Country that is helping so much to Mauritius together with other countries also
01:14But India either is the first one who is has made so many development in Mauritius and I give you a whole guy
01:33Get out relation, so I think
