• 2 months ago


00:30I am very happy that we have a total of 30 mandalas in this district, out of which, we have announced 18 mandalas today, 12 mandalas are left, they have also been left due to some technical reasons, so we will complete them very soon, but for the formation of the district, we will have to work very hard, we will have to work very hard, we will have to work very hard, we will have to work very hard, we will have to work very hard, we will have to work very hard, we will have to work very hard, we will have to work very hard, we will have to work very hard, we will have to work very hard, we will have to work very hard, we will have to work very hard, we will have to work very hard, we will have to work very hard, we will have to work very hard, we will have to work very hard, we will have to work very hard, we will have to work very hard, we will have to work very hard, we will
01:00have to work very hard, we will have to work very hard, we will have to work very hard.
01:28We did exercises in each mandal and prepared the list of the names of the mandal leaders.
01:36Then we discussed with the prominent people and brought the list according to them.
01:41We gave those lists in the state.
01:45Then in the state, we had a committee of six people.
01:49They discussed and discussed it.
01:52They also called me in it.
01:55Then after discussing, we formed the list of the mandals.
01:59I think that there is no discrimination in this.
02:04There is no personal influence of anyone.
02:07With an open mind and working according to the instructions of the party,
02:15we tried to create an organization as good as possible.
02:20There was a criteria of age.
02:22A lot of people passed away due to old age.
02:25This time, the whole list was like this.
02:27Now you will be surprised.
02:29We also stopped a person who was less than a year old.
02:32We have asked for his list again.
02:34There was a shortage of women's mandal leaders from the beginning.
02:37There was not much before either.
02:39I remember that there was not a single woman in our Bilwara.
02:42And here too, a woman's name came up, but there was a little fight in it.
02:46That's why we stopped it.
02:48We tried to stop it, but when women did not come forward,
02:52the list that was taken from our mandals,
02:55there was no name in it.
