• 2 months ago
TVS Jupiter 110 Features by Giri Kumar. டிவிஎஸ் நிறுவனம் சமீபத்தில் தனது டிவிஎஸ் ஜூபிடர் 110 ஸ்கூட்டரை அப்டேட் செய்தது. இதில் சில அம்சங்கள் சிறப்பாக உள்ளன. இப்படியாக இந்த ஸ்கூட்டரில் உள்ள முக்கிய சிறப்பம்சங்கள் என்னென்ன? இது எப்படி செயல்படுகிறது? வாகனம் ஓட்டும் போது எப்படி நமக்கு உதவுகிறது என்பதை இங்கே விரிவாக விளக்கியுள்ளோம்.

#tvsjupiter #tvsscooter #jupiter110 #jupiter110features #DrivesparkTamil



00:00So, in this video, we are going to look at the TVS JUPITER 110
00:04But, there is no elaborated review on this
00:06Because, this TVS JUPITER 110 CC vehicle's
00:10Entire design, features, driving experience, additional technology etc.
00:16It's a very detailed review
00:17I have already published it on our Tamil DriveSpot channel
00:20In case you haven't seen that video, I will put an i-card for you
00:23You can watch the full review after that
00:24So, in this video, we are going to talk about the top 5 features of TVS JUPITER 110
00:31Hi, hello and welcome friends
00:32You are watching Tamil DriveSpot and it's me, Giri
00:34So, in our top 5 features, the first one is
00:37One of my favorite features is
00:39Infinity DRL
00:42So, if you look at the front fascia
00:45You will see a U-shaped LED DRL
00:49Another uniqueness that I feel is
00:51The DRL has a very neat integration of indicators
00:56So, when you turn on the indicator, only one portion of the DRL will be indicated
01:01It's a very good thing
01:02So, secondly
01:03They have given you a Bluetooth connectivity
01:07So, it has TVS's smart XONet feature
01:10So, we can see turn-by-turn navigation
01:13Plus, you will get call and message indications
01:17So, we can see the basics of many vehicles through this app
01:23It's a very user-friendly feature
01:26The next technology is
01:28I-Go Assist technology
01:31So, in JUPITER, there are two types of vehicles
01:35One with electric assist and one without electric assist
01:38So, what this I-Go Assist technology does is
01:42Normally, if you produce 9.6 Nm of torque
01:48When the battery in the engine is charged
01:52You will get an indication in the instrument cluster that the assist is ready
01:55So, when we do aggressive throttle, you will get an additional 0.6 Nm of torque
02:03So, you won't get a push-back feel
02:06But still, when you do an overtake
02:08Or when you go on an empty road
02:10To get that fun-to-ride feel
02:110.6 Nm of torque will be very useful
02:14So, I would say this is a good technology
02:17Plus, when you use it again
02:20When you do the aggressive throttle for the first time
02:23The power will be removed from the battery
02:25So, it will take at least 2-3 minutes to charge
02:29So, when the assist is ready, you can continue with the throttle
02:33The next feature I want to show you is
02:37External fuel lid
02:38They have provided it in the front
02:40So, you can access the fuel lid through a multifunctional cable
02:44They have also provided a massive 33L of boot space
02:48So, like I said earlier
02:50Since the fuel tank is on the floorboard, you get an additional storage space
02:53They have also claimed that you can accommodate two full-size helmets
02:59Another last but not least feature is
03:03The LCD instrument cluster
03:06You will get a lot of information related to the vehicle
03:10Like the fuel range, assist ready, power mode
03:18Plus, in this TVS Jupiter 110, you get auto start and stop
03:23So, you can switch that function off if you want
03:25To see if it is accurate or not
03:27So, you will get to see a lot of things in this LCD instrument cluster
03:32So, after reviewing this vehicle
03:35I have shared my top 5 features with you
03:38So, what is your favourite feature in this TVS Jupiter 110?
03:42Share it with us in the comment section
03:43Don't forget to like and share this video
03:45Subscribe to Tamil Drive Spot
03:47This is Meghri signing off for Tamil Drive Spot
03:49We will definitely meet in the next video
03:50Until then, stay safe and ride safe
