Ella und der schwarze Jaguar ist der neue Abenteuerfilm des französischen Regisseurs Gilles de Maistre, der sich schon in seinen Filmen Mia und der weiße Löwe (2018) und Der Wolf und der Löwe (2021) der Beziehung von Raubtieren und Menschen widmete.
Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/ella-und-der-schwarze-jaguar
Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/ella-und-der-schwarze-jaguar
00:00Is that a baby jaguar?
00:03I'm going to call you Hope.
00:05I'm always going to protect you.
00:09I was thinking about school.
00:11I'm not going to go.
00:12Autumn, you're going and that's final.
00:15Morning class.
00:16I need to go get the frogs from the lab.
00:19I'm going to be sick.
00:20What are you doing?
00:21I'm calling the ASPCA.
00:25What is that?
00:26Oh, that's nothing.
00:31Dear Doc, the situation is getting worse by the day.
00:35There's only one jaguar left and its days are numbered.
00:39We have to go save Hope!
00:40We left the jungle eight years ago.
00:42We're not going anywhere.
00:52You came despite everything.
00:53The Chimorg followed me all the way from New York to stop me coming.
00:56We really need to call your dad.
00:58Everything's fine.
01:00Are you out of your mind?
01:08Her best friend is a jaguar?
01:17I'm going to take her to a wildlife corridor where she'll be safe.
01:19She's a wild animal now.
01:21They're poachers.
01:22They're after Hope.
01:26We're going to find that corridor.
01:28We're going to protect you.
01:29You'll be safe.
01:32We're together, remember?