Bollywood’s power couple, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan were spotted at the airport with their two adorable sons, Taimur and Jeh. Kareena wore a denim jacket layered over a black outfit. On the other hand, Saif Ali Khan kept it minimal and classy in a navy-blue T-shirt paired with jeans. His rugged look, complete with a neatly trimmed beard, added to his royal charisma. On the work front, Kareena Kapoor Khan has an exciting year ahead.
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#kareenakapoor #saifalikhan #taimur #pataudifamily #kareenakapoorkhan #bollywood #bollywoodnews #bollywoodupdate #spotted #airportlook #celebrity #celebrityspotted #news #entertainmentnews
00:00Bollywood's power couple Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan were recently spotted
00:06at the airport with their two adorable sons, Taimur and Jai.
00:11The family exuded charm as they made their way through the terminal, attracting the attention
00:16of fans.
00:17Kareena, known for her effortless style, sported a casual yet chic airport look.
00:24She wore a denim jacket layered over a black outfit, accessorising her attire with dark
00:29sunglasses and a sleek bun, whereas Saif Ali Khan, on the other hand, kept it minimal
00:35and classy in a navy blue t-shirt paired with jeans.
00:39His rugged look, complete with a neatly trimmed beard, added to his royal charisma.
00:44The ever-adorable Taimur and baby Jai were seen enthusiastically walking hand-in-hand
00:49with their father.
00:51The family's airport appearance was a perfect blend of style and familial warmth, reminding
00:56everyone why they are considered Bollywood royalty.
01:00On the work front, Kareena Kapoor Khan has an exciting year ahead.
01:04She will next be seen in Sujoy Ghosh's thriller, The Devotion of Suspect X, alongside Vijay
01:10Varma and Jaideep Ahlawat.
01:12Apart from this, she has also signed Hansal Mehta's next untitled project, where she plays
01:17the lead in a gritty, unconventional role.