• 2 months ago
00:37It's a common flu, not a normal one.
00:43It's a mild one.
00:43It doesn't have serious illness.
00:45So there's no need to panic.
00:47We have everything ready.
00:48The hospital, beds, emergency equipment, medicine,
00:52everything is ready.
00:53So we've started testing.
00:55So there's no need to worry or get worried.
00:58There is nothing to worry about.
01:00The children who are less than a year old,
01:03their immunity does not develop,
01:05and those who are older than 60 years old,
01:07who have cough, cold, cough,
01:10blood pressure, sugar,
01:12cancer, or are taking steroids for some reason,
01:15they need to take precautions.
01:16The rest of the normal population should do their normal work.
01:20There is nothing to panic about.
01:21We are seeing panic due to COVID.
01:23No, no. COVID was a new virus.
01:26This is not a new virus.
01:27It was a new virus.
01:28This is a 20-year-old virus.
01:30It has been around for a long time, it already exists.
01:32In this, the normal cough and cold,
01:37which we call flu, spreads in the same way.
01:39It spreads from one person to another.
01:41It happens because of the breath.
01:42For example, someone sneezed,
01:43it spread to the room.
01:44In winters, any flu spreads more.
01:47Because in winters, there is moisture,
01:48droplets, and it travels from one person to another.
01:51And the second precaution is that when you come home,
01:53wash your hands well with soap.
01:56And you should not touch your face, mouth, or eyes.
01:59Those are the standard precautions for flu.
02:01And the children and the elderly should take care of them.
02:04And there is nothing more to worry about.
02:07Sir, is the lab ready?
02:08Everything is ready.
02:09Everything is ready for testing.
02:11What about Punjab?
02:12There is no case in Punjab yet.
02:14We are fully prepared for testing and treatment.
02:18And this is a mild illness, not a serious illness.
02:22I have only told you two categories,
02:23those who are one year old and 60 years old,
02:25those who are immunocompromised,
02:27those who have some other illness,
02:28those who are taking medicines,
02:29they need to take precautions.
02:31And secondly, it is good for everyone.
02:33If someone has a cold,
02:35and it is coming down,
02:36they should not go to the public and wear a mask.
02:40And the other people, if they have to go somewhere,
02:42if someone has an illness,
02:43if they have to go to the market or to a function,
02:45they can use their handkerchief or mask.
02:49Secondly, Bhilewal ji's health was very bad yesterday.
02:51So, how worried is the government about that?
02:53What precautions are being taken?
02:54See, the Punjab government is very worried.
02:57All of us ministers have been there.
03:00The CM has also spoken.
03:02But now there is an agitation that has been going on for the past five years.
03:05I have also been at the border with them.
03:07Now, I know Mr. Dallewal.
03:10He has made a decision.
03:11He has a group behind him.
03:13There are thousands and millions of farmers behind him.
03:16So, the Prime Minister and our Home Minister,
03:20the Union Agriculture Minister,
03:24they should talk to him.
03:26It is a matter of five minutes.
03:28If the Prime Minister talks to him on the telephone and reassures him,
03:31then all the problems will be solved.
03:33And the Punjab border will also be opened.
03:35This is causing problems for the people of Punjab,
03:36for the industry, for the farmers, for the common people.
03:40I request the Prime Minister to talk to him on the telephone once.
03:44Or the Home Minister should talk to him.
03:45The Agriculture Minister should call him and talk to him.
03:48These are our people.
03:49When the country needs food, you go to them.
03:52They are feeding the people of the country.
03:56Their children are being martyred at the borders.
04:00So, we should talk to them.
04:03The Prime Minister himself says that all problems will be solved if we talk to them.
04:05In Ukraine, if he is saying,
04:07if he is saying in Israel that fighting is not the solution to the problem,
04:12that dialogue is the solution to the problem,
04:15then this is also the solution to the problem.
04:16So, I request the Prime Minister to talk to him on the telephone once.
04:21And all the problems will be solved in five minutes.
04:24Today, the elections have been announced in Delhi.
04:26So, what did you do to campaign for J&K?
04:30Look, our leader, Arvind Kejriwal,
04:33and our Muneesh Shishodiya, and Mr. Jain,
04:36who is the CM of Delhi.
04:39So, the Delhi government has worked.
04:41Whether it is providing facilities to people,
04:43providing electricity, water,
04:44providing good health facilities,
04:45building a women's clinic,
04:47reforming education,
04:49providing many facilities to women,
04:50and promising people.
04:51And our leader's credibility is very high.
04:54And I am sure that like the last two elections,
04:56we will win the majority.
04:58People are with us.
