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શિયાળામાં વિદેશી પક્ષીઓ ગુજરાતના મહેમાન બને છે. પરંતુ શું તમે યાયાવર પક્ષીઓએ ગાઠીંયા અને સિંગ જેવો ખોરાક આપો છો ? તો હવે એવું ન કરશો...


00:00Seagulls are a group of birds
00:06in which there are many types of seagulls
00:09black headed, brown headed, which are commonly seen in Gujarat's coastal line
00:13The majority of them are from European and Siberian countries
00:16Migrants are coming from this side
00:18Till recently, if you see,
00:20Somnathan, Ganapada, Tadav, Jamnagar, Jhunagad,
00:24in the middle of the city, people are going to eat Gathiya
00:26In the same way, in Ganapada railway station and in Mota highway in the city,
00:29Kabar, Pupat also eat these seagulls
00:31Actually, these are not their seagulls
00:33If you see any bird's nest or their habitat,
00:37their food is stored in that
00:39So, by giving them food,
00:42their life will move forward
00:45That is not possible and that is wrong
00:48It is good to see birds,
00:51but to snatch their seagulls,
00:53the food that is not made for them,
00:56the food that is not digested for them,
00:58to provide them, that is wrong
01:00And these birds or any other species,
01:03are attracted towards humans
01:05who leave their nature and their imprint is lost
01:08So, it should not happen, it should remain in their nature
01:11and we should remain in our nature
01:13So, that thing should not be meshed up
01:15So, please, everyone should know that
01:17the food that is given to them,
01:19and in the ecosystem, everyone should get food
01:22So, our role is that if we have an ecosystem,
01:25we should not disturb it
01:27We should observe it and get information about it
