• 2 months ago


00:00Tamil Thai Valtu in the first place and when you finish it, we all stand up for National Anthem. That is how we work on it
00:30On behalf of DMK party, today in some parts of the city, they have pasted a poster of
00:51saying that get out Ravi. It is not the first time that DMK is ridiculing Honourable Governor
00:57and on several occasions, it is the habit of this DMK party of undermining the position
01:07of the Honourable Governor as well. Whenever he is coming to assembly, they are trying
01:13to enact a drama as if that he is disrespecting Tamil Thai Valtu or Tamil Nadu. But it is
01:20not so. He was insisting that National Anthem has to be played while Governor is coming
01:28and while he is completing the program. And in all other states, including their alliance
01:34party state like West Bengal or in Kerala, they are singing National Anthem whenever
01:39Governor is arriving to the particular program. But as if that they are thinking that Tamil
01:44Nadu is a separate state and they are having the separate procedure for everything.
02:08See, it is not that agitation that first time they are doing. As I said,
02:12on several occasions, it is a habit and they are trying to arm twist against the Governor
02:19since they are having the political party, they are having the ruling government and because of
02:23which they are trying to show to the people that as if that the Governor is working against the
02:28interest of the Tamil Nadu people. It is not so. And what about the National Anthem that as I said
02:34earlier, in all other states, in all other states, there is a normal practice that whenever any
02:41Confucian heads are coming of that singing or reciting the National Anthem, it is a procedure.
02:47What is wrong in it? Since the Governor is, he is expressing his ideas and he is openly saying
02:55about that what is nationalism and how the Tamil Nadu is with a nationalistic mind and because
03:02of that they are getting irritated. And they want to show their anger towards the Honorable
03:08Governor whenever any occasion comes like a Governor's address.
04:35Sir, not how long we are going to give this match?
04:38Until this session.
04:40Sir, what is, what we are conveying by giving this match?
04:44What we are conveying by wearing this, who is this sir?
04:47To take proper action against the real accused.
04:50Who is that sir? That is our request. Who is that sir? This is our request.