• 2 months ago
He offers everyone his toys through the window ❤️ We spoke to Rebekah, who told us he stalks his neighbors all the time, hoping they'll come to play with him. ❤️


00:00Tofu loves making new friends.
00:03What are you doing work, honey?
00:10He gravitates towards any human that he can possibly find.
00:14What are you doing work, huh?
00:19Why is he all done, honey?
00:21Tofu loves going to get gas because he knows that he's going to get some attention and get some loving.
00:31He's always wanting to meet people.
00:35He lived on 15th floor and we just moved so now he likes to watch our neighbors.
00:43He'll go to the nearest toy and pick it up and bring it to the window.
00:47Who is that? Oh, you want a different toy to bring her?
00:50As if he wants to gift it to them.
00:52Who is it?
00:56Did you bring them a slipper? That was very nice of you.
00:59I mean, it's my slipper.
01:03She didn't see you with the slipper, oh no!
01:07What are you going to do? Are you disappointed?
01:13If we are on a walk and he sees someone, he will try his best to get to that person.
01:23He is calm and relaxed but as soon as another human is nearby, he just gets so excited.
