• 2 months ago
00:00funeral there, like they're having a funeral. Rosemary Barton and David Cochran, they look like
00:07they've lost, like it looks like a dog, like their family dog just got run over in front of them,
00:13which I'm enjoying and a lot of Canadians are also enjoying, just the look of just utter,
00:18utter shock on their face. So yeah, the Liberal Party was an untenable political party going
00:24forward with there being two open factions. They're a minority party and there's two factions
00:29in the party, one led by the former Deputy Prime Minister and they're having a public war.
00:35It was untenable and couldn't go along. So Trudeau has managed to sort of kick down.
00:40How much more time can he squeeze out as Prime Minister? We'll find out. I do think his goal is
00:45to be in officially the Prime Minister when the G7 is in Canada in June. So I think he'll want to
00:53sort of say, oh, we'll have the elections after that so I can call myself President of the G20.
00:58Because again, this has always been his priority is to be seen as an international leader at like
01:04a United Nations, international human rights, something, something climate change. He's always
01:09wanted to do that. So he'll get to fulfill one of his lifelong dreams, which is calling himself
01:15President of the G7 and millions of Canadians will get to see the lifelong dream of watching
01:21Trudeau resign from office. If I may ask, what's the future for Justin Trudeau? Also about the
01:27stability for Canada, the political stability, if you can share your thoughts on that.
01:36Okay, so first the future of Justin Trudeau, and I've said this, I've said this for a while,
01:40and people think I'm joking because Justin Trudeau's hero and like professional hero
01:48is Greta Thunberg. That is who he is most jealous of. He literally wants to be a Swedish teenager or
01:53himself. He wants to like go on a boat to Europe to, again, just say diversity and climate change
02:01is important. Like he wants to be some, you know, head or figurehead of some large international NGO
02:12so he can call himself very important. And of course, money laundering, that's an important
02:16part of global NGOs, money laundering and capitulating to terrorist organizations.
02:22So that's also, but then again, that's very much up for Trudeau's wheelhouse as well.
02:26So a bit of a lateral movement there. So that's Justin Trudeau's future as he will be traveling
02:32around Europe and to different sort of what you would call like globalist institutes colloquially.
02:38But again, like the international left-wing institutions, you'll see him in those things,
02:44you know, talking about how great he is. That's always been his ambition. And I think none of
02:49that has changed, which again, I think that's why he'll be prime minister in June so he can
02:53call himself president of the G20, which he seems to love doing. Now the future stability of Canada,
02:59I think Canada will get, after an election, Canada gets a lot more stable because Canada
03:03will have a likely, a strong conservative majority. So the conservatives will have a much better future
03:14brighter future than Americans. And Canada going forward is really good because we have tons of
03:18energy. We have tons of resources. There's no reason for economic catastrophe in Canada. There's
03:22really no reason. All our problems are self-inflicted and the person who inflicted them
03:27is Justin Trudeau. And for the first time with the Keystone Pipeline, these energy pipelines,
03:34we've always had, when Stephen Harper was prime minister and we had a pro-Canada,
03:38pro-energy prime minister, Barack Obama was president of the United States.
03:43And installed all energy developments from Canada and the U.S. because oil from Canada
03:50and the United States is bad for the environment, but oil from Saudi Arabia is good for the
03:56environment, right? Go figure that one. So with a Donald Trump and Pierre Polio, both being
04:02pro-business, pro-resource, pro-Canada, pro-America leaders, I think you'll have,
04:11I think they'll get the pipeline. Keystone Pipeline will get built. There'll be development
04:15and Canada will finally be able to get resources to market. We have tons of LNG. The Japanese and
04:21the Europeans wanted to buy our energy. We're begging to buy our energy and Trudeau shut them
04:26down saying there's no business case to sell energy to market. And that was literally his
04:33response to people offering us billions of dollars in exchange for our resources. And
04:39there isn't really a business case. Because as you know, all competent businessmen will tell you
04:44what you don't want to do in a business is exchange money for services or products. That's
04:52not what you do in business. That's clearly not how businesses work. And businesses instead
04:57are grown from the heart outwards.
