• 2 months ago
ପାଣିକୋଇଲି ଗୁଳିକାଣ୍ଡରେ ପ୍ରାଣ ହରାଇଥିବା ଦୁଇ ଯୁବକଙ୍କ ପରିବାର ଏବେ ବେସାହାରା । ସାହସିକତା ପୁରସ୍କାର ଦାବି କଲେ ସହଯୋଗୀ । ଆଇନ ଶୃଙ୍ଖଳା ସ୍ଥିତି ନେଇ ପୋଲିସକୁ ଦାୟୀ କଲେ ବୁଦ୍ଧିଜୀବୀ ।


00:00I went home at 8 in the morning.
00:02I went to the village at 4 and called my husband.
00:06He didn't pick up.
00:08I was so hungry.
00:10I didn't eat anything.
00:12I called my husband.
00:14He didn't pick up.
00:16He didn't pick up.
00:18I was so hungry.
00:20I was so hungry.
00:22I was so hungry.
00:24I didn't eat anything.
00:26I was so hungry.
00:28When did you start it?
00:30When did you start it?
00:32For the first time inside a village.
00:34For the first time inside a village.
00:36Sister you didn't eat properly.
00:38Why don't you eat?
00:40Eat properly.
00:42Eat properly.
00:44And recite mantras to the deity latte.
00:47And recite mantras to the deity latte.
00:50During childhood,
00:52I was sent to school, to college, and then to a job.
00:57If there was nothing else in the house, my father died, and my older sister, Chibi, died.
01:03The house was completely dependent on me.
01:06I worked in an electrician's office and supported my family.
01:10I used to talk to him in the morning.
01:13I used to tell him that I was working for a helping group, and that I was on duty.
01:18I used to talk to him in the morning.
01:21I used to meet him in the evening.
01:24We used to meet once in a while.
01:27I don't know how, but he died in a fire.
01:30He was a brave young man.
01:33He fought bravely.
01:36I would like to say that he was a brave man.
01:41This is a very unfortunate incident.
01:48Two people died in a fire.
01:51Two innocent people lost their lives.
01:54This is a very sad incident.
01:57I would like to ask the government to help us.
02:00I would like to ask the government to help us.
02:03How did you find about his die?
02:06What did you think about his death?
02:09What has happened in his house?
02:12How do you see the entire family?
02:16And what will happen in future?
02:19First of all, FLGI failed to find the raiser of the police.
02:23Then this happened.
02:26Then I went to police department.
02:28I went to the health department and saw that bloodies are being saved.
02:32The people are suffering from fear and anxiety.
02:38The police are trying to help the people.
02:41The people who have lost their lives, their families are suffering.
02:45The government and the police are trying to help the families.
02:50The police should be responsible for these incidents.
02:55The police should be responsible for these incidents.
