• 2 months ago
Alexi Amarista continúa cosechando éxitos ofensivos en la Lvbp y está a tan solo seis imparables de redondear la marca de 250 hits en su carrera en postemporada


00:00I don't know if you can see it, but I'm going to show it to you.
00:02The third batting cameraman of the Bravos.
00:04First, there are two outs.
00:06It was Tavares.
00:08And here is Amarista.
00:10Neither against the left nor against the right.
00:12No one makes an out.
00:14What a skill. Towards the opposing team.
00:16Supporting each other in the pitching.
00:20He was looking for the corner from outside.
00:22He takes it to the opposing team.
00:26To break the strategy of the manager Lipson.
00:28He won easily.
00:30That repetition.
