• 2 months ago
छत्तीसगढ़ में धर्मांतरण के खिलाफ हिंदू संगठन घर वापसी अभियान चला रहे हैं,जिसे कांग्रेस और ईसाई फोरम ने आडंबर बताया है.


00:00We are not against any religion, but we are all Hindus against the one who insults and weakens Sanatan.
00:09We believe that no Hindu is not religious.
00:14When a Hindu is religious, and a Hindu goes away, the country grows.
00:19Where a Hindu has gone, there is diversity in that area. History is witness to it.
00:24You can see Kashmir, you can see North East, you can see Bengal.
00:30This is a very big issue. It is a matter of national security.
00:34If they make an effort from their side, then they return home.
00:39If they return home, then do they make the tribals into Thakurs, Vaishyas, Abamas?
00:47No, they don't. They remain tribal.
00:50So how did they return home?
00:52They don't return home just by talking and washing their feet.
00:56And to return home, they have to follow Hindu rituals.
01:01And if they don't, then the Supreme Court will be insulted.
01:05If no one will file a case, then the Chhattisgarh Christian Forum will immediately file a case in the Supreme Court.
01:11We request them to return home.
01:14And we also invite you to come to our church, give a speech, and take with you whatever you want to make.
01:21Because we don't need such garbage in our society.
01:24Please return home.
01:25There is food, what else is there?
01:28Do they have a registered maintainer?
01:31How many people returned home, do they have a registered maintainer?
01:35And after returning home, which society did they bring in?
01:39Which caste did they bring in?
01:41Who stopped them? They should stop.
01:43The government is theirs.
01:45From Delhi to Rajya, will we stop the religious migration?
01:49The government's job is to stop the religious migration.
01:52And you are sitting there.
01:53Overall, I feel that the religious migration that is taking place in this area,
01:59it should be stopped somewhere.
02:02And that is why this debate is a problem.
02:06What they have done is, by force,
02:10if someone is forced to do religious migration,
02:14they have increased the fine for that.
02:16They have increased the fine for 10 lakhs.
02:18They have punished them for 14 years.
02:20In some cases, they have threatened them and tortured them.
02:24They have even sentenced them to life imprisonment.
02:26Here, I would like to highlight one more thing.
02:29The constitution of India, Article 25,
02:36states that a person has the freedom of religion.
02:40So, while making any law, we cannot think with just one side.
02:45We have to think that,
02:46if a person wants to go to any religion of his own free will,
02:51and if the law forces him to do so,
02:53then in a way, he violates the rights of the community.
