• 2 months ago


00:00Sir, in Kanpur, this flatted factory model will be started in the new year of 2025, which is an industrial city.
00:09It will be a big gift for the residents of Kanpur from the government.
00:12Can you tell us in detail about this?
00:14See, this flatted factory is an MSC-CDP scheme, which is a component of the Indian government and state government.
00:22And they have been given a contribution of about 15 crores.
00:26UPSIC, Uttar Pradesh Lagoddev Narmalingam, is building it.
00:31And it is being invited to about 160 events, of which about 80% people have been invited.
00:38And basically, it will be very beneficial for the people who work in our ready-made hosiery garments.
00:47And definitely, apart from this, we have also sanctioned a flatted factory for MSC policy 2022.
00:56Its construction is also going on.
00:58So, in Kanpur, two of our flatted factories will start very soon.
01:03Okay, thank you for talking to us.
