• vor 2 Monaten
Ben Jordan hat die letzten fünfzehn Jahre im Gefängnis verbracht und ist nun auf Bewährung entlassen worden. Er soll seine damals schwangere Frau ermordet haben, doch Laura Mathews, die für ihn zuständige Sozialarbeiterin, glaubt, dass er unschuldig ist.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/ohne-jede-reue


00:00It was only a matter of time before Ben Jordan was paroled.
00:23On the night of August 4th, 1975, Ben Jordan took a kitchen coffee knife and stabbed his
00:28better half 30 times.
00:30Cops found a Super 8 movie camera at the scene.
00:33Jordan filmed the murder.
00:36What can I do for you?
00:39I'm here to see my social worker, Ben Jordan.
00:45It took just a moment to become intrigued.
00:48146 IQ.
00:51Ted Bundy had 150.
00:54All they ever had on Ben was circumstantial evidence.
00:58Would it make you feel better if I told you I didn't kill her?
01:01Did you?
01:02It took days to question the evidence.
01:05You think he killed Kathy Tudor?
01:08At the time, I knew he didn't do it.
01:10You're saying Ben was framed?
01:14You didn't do it, did you?
01:17It took weeks to trust him.
01:19Are you wondering if this is a mistake?
01:27Lord, this guy is dangerous.
01:29They should have executed him.
01:31Now, time is running out, and she's got to choose between what she fears and what she
01:40You believed in me.
01:43Why did you stop?
01:46Rutger Hauer, Natasha Richardson, Past Midnight.