• 2 months ago
00:56Janco department they're all the first-rank engineers they're going to
01:03contribute much in the production and all other administrative services.
01:10What is the future course of plan that the Telengana government is planning for?
01:14Of course, yes, you have been seeing all the time, only recruitment and giving an appointment
01:20letter, all the time, for the past one year, you have seen that only.
01:24As of now, we have already given 56,000 appointment letters and today another 315.
01:31Already many of them are in the process, Public Service Commission, they are already conducting
01:36exams, other departments are also conducting exams.
01:39How many?
01:40New energy policy by when can we expect?
01:42New energy policy, JEEVO will be issuing on 9th probably, post-op.
01:47What can you expect on this?
01:48So you will be seeing everything in that, on that particular day, on 9th.
01:53Right, thank you.
02:59Thank you very much.
03:29No, no, I am not aspiring for the position post.