• 2 months ago
यूनियन कार्बाइड के जहरीले कचरे को नष्ट करने के मामले में सरकार ने स्टेटस रिपोर्ट हाई कोर्ट में पेश की. जानिए इसमें क्या-क्या तर्क हैं


00:00What happened finally today?
00:02The High Court had ordered the government on 3rd December
00:09to take away the toxic waste from Bhopal safely
00:14and to incinerate it in Pitampura, destroy it and finish it.
00:18The High Court had put the order for its compliance today.
00:23Today, the Rajya Shastra has presented a petition to the High Court.
00:27In that petition, the Rajya Shastra has told us what steps it has taken so far.
00:33The important thing is that the government has said in its petition
00:38that some interested people are spreading false information
00:43by which people are unnecessarily getting agitated
00:47and because of that false information, they have not yet started the process of incinerating.
00:53In its petition, the government has asked the High Court for an extra time
00:58so that the order for 3rd December can be complied with.
01:02After the hearing, the High Court has ordered that the Rajya Shastra is wrong
01:09and that it should remove the false information that is spreading in the public.
01:17In addition, the media has been stopped from publishing false news
01:22about the toxic waste from Bhopal.
01:27Only the information that is scientifically correct
01:30and false news should not be published so that people are not unnecessarily agitated.
01:35The government has also asked the High Court for permission
01:39to incinerate the toxic waste from Bhopal to Pitampura
01:46and to unload the waste that is lying on the facility.
01:51This time, the High Court's view was that there is no need for the High Court's permission for this work.
01:59The government is free to do whatever necessary action it wants to take in compliance with the order for 3rd December.
02:06Unloading will also be included in it.
02:09The government should take the decision on its own and comply with the order.
02:13The government has asked the High Court for 6 weeks to comply with the order for 3rd December.
02:18The High Court has given that time to the state government
02:22and has instructed them to comply with the order of the High Court in accordance with the law and procedure.
