• 2 months ago
00:00and stay organized, stay united, and take your old city forward.
00:07Today, metro train checks have also been given.
00:10I would like to thank the CM, that from Chandrayangutta,
00:14in the coming days, you are going from there, and the main hub is also coming.
00:20And I would like to tell the people of the old city,
00:23that the OSC hospital, Chandrayangutta, and the airport,
00:27which is going to the metro there,
00:30this will be a triple-decker, double-decker, you must have heard.
00:34But its design is such that traffic will go from below,
00:38traffic will go from the flyover, and the metro train will go from above the flyover.
00:44So for this, I would like to thank you,
00:47and I would like to say that the work will continue,
00:52you stay organized, stay united,
00:55keep your connection with your community,
00:58and your community, under the leadership of Barrister Rasooduddin OSC,
01:02will solve your problems, will represent you.
01:22I would like to welcome Mr. Sreedhar Babu.
01:25Now, Honorable MP, Hyderabad constituency,
01:32I don't need to say his name,
01:34Sreedhar Rasooduddin OSC, I would like to welcome him.
01:45Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
01:50Honorable Prime Minister of Telangana, Mr. Rehwant Reddy,
01:59Honorable Mayor, Honorable Deputy Mayor,
02:05Our old friend, Mr. Sreedhar Babu,
02:09Minister of IT and Technology,
02:13Honorable Members of Parliament,
02:15Honorable Assembly Members,
02:18Members of the Legislative Council,
02:20Members of the MAUD,
02:26On behalf of the people of Hyderabad,
02:32I would like to welcome Mr. Rehwant Reddy,
02:39and I would like to thank him for inaugurating Hyderabad's second biggest flyover.
02:48I would also like to thank him because
02:52when he became the Prime Minister,
02:54he was very lazy in his work,
02:58and the reason for that was the need for funds.
03:02So, I requested the Chief Minister
03:06and he took strong action and issued the funds.
03:11Alhamdulillah, Hyderabad's second biggest flyover has been completed.
03:18Taking advantage of this occasion, I would like to thank the Chief Minister.
03:36For more information, visit www.fema.gov
