• 2 months ago
ಸ್ಮಾರ್ಟ್ ಸಿಟಿ ಯೋಜನೆಯಡಿ ಹುಬ್ಬಳ್ಳಿಯಲ್ಲಿ 2022ರಲ್ಲಿ ಹೊಸ ಬಸ್ ನಿಲ್ದಾಣ ಕಾಮಗಾರಿ ಆರಂಭವಾಗಿ ಈಗ ಸಂಪೂರ್ಣವಾಗಿದೆ. ಆದರೆ ಉದ್ಘಾಟನೆ ಮಾತ್ರ ಮುಂದೂಡಿಕೆಯಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ. ಇದು ಸಾರ್ವಜನಿಕರಲ್ಲಿ ಬೇಸರ ಉಂಟುಮಾಡಿದೆ. ಈ ಬಗ್ಗೆ 'ಈಟಿವಿ ಭಾರತ'​ ಪ್ರತಿನಿಧಿ ಹೆಚ್.ಬಿ. ಗಡ್ಡದ ಅವರ ವರದಿ ಇಲ್ಲಿದೆ.


00:00When I was a kid, I used to think that this is a nice hotel, but now I don't know what to do.
00:06I don't know what to do with the kids.
00:09We don't get water.
00:11We don't know what to do.
00:13When we see a bus, we get scared.
00:16We don't know what to do with the kids on the bus.
00:19The school kids don't go to school.
00:22They don't go to school.
00:24They have to go to work.
00:26The school kids have problems?
00:29You don't have a place to sleep?
00:31We don't have a place to sleep.
00:33We have to wait for the bus to come.
00:36We don't have a bathroom.
00:38We don't have a toilet.
00:40We don't have anything.
00:42We don't have food.
00:44When does the bus stand get ready?
00:46We don't know.
00:48We don't know when it will be ready.
00:50But you can sleep?
00:52Yes, we can sleep.
00:54We don't have to wait for the bus to come.
00:57We have been travelling for the past 4 years.
01:00We don't know what to do.
01:02We have to go to the bus.
01:04We used to get scared when the bus started.
01:07Now, we are confused.
01:09We don't know where to go.
01:11We don't know which bus to take.
01:13We don't know what to do.
01:15Before, we were scared.
01:17Now, we are used to it.
01:19We are used to travelling.
01:21Where do you travel?
01:23We come from Andhigiri.
01:25We do our marketing here.
01:27We are confused.
01:29That is the problem.
01:31Where do you live?
01:33We live in Jagan.
01:35We live in Jagan.
01:37We don't know where to go.
01:39We are scared.
01:41We don't know which bus to take.
01:43Where do you come from?
01:45We come from Andhigiri.
01:47We have to take a bus.
01:49We have to go around.
01:51We have to go around.
01:53For about Carolina Surai, we're not supposed to take a bus.
01:55We take a bus, come to Pullai.
01:57At Pullai, you get a seat.
01:59At Pulai, we use the same bus.
02:01Maybe, you want me to show you the old bus.
02:03Go and sit in the middle seat.
02:05When we use the old bus,
02:06we used to sit terribly.
02:08When we go and come back,
02:10we used to sit terribly.
02:12We used to sit like this.
02:14We sit for 2-3 hours before taking our bus.
02:16There used to be a manual in the car.
02:18On our way back,
02:20she would get up once we reached,
02:22The bus drivers, the auto drivers, the shopkeepers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers
02:52the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers,
02:59the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers,
03:06the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers,
03:13the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus
03:22drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers,
03:29the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus
03:36drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers,
03:43the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus
03:50drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers,
03:57the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus
04:04drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers,
04:11the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus
04:18drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers,
04:25the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus
04:32drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers,
04:39the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus
04:46drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers,
04:53the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus
05:00drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers,
05:07the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus
05:14drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers,
05:21the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus
05:28drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers,
05:35the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus
05:42drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers,
05:49the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus
05:56drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers,
06:03the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus
06:10drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers,
06:17the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus
06:24drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers,
06:31the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus
06:38drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers,
06:45the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus
06:52drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers,
06:59the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus
07:06drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers,
07:13the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers,
07:20the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers,
07:27the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers, the bus drivers,
