• 2 months ago


00:00Shri Ramji was in exile at that time.
00:04Apart from this, there is Ujjaini and Haridwar.
00:08These are four places.
00:09In these four places, in Ujjaini, there is Chepra river,
00:12that is also a Ganga.
00:15In Nashik, there is Godavari river, that is also a Ganga.
00:17And in Haridwar and Prayag, there is Sakshat Ganga.
00:22So, in these four places, Kumbh Parva is celebrated.
00:27What is the significance of Kumbh and where and when is it celebrated?
00:32First of all, Kumbh is celebrated in Prayag.
00:37When Magha Makar Gatra is celebrated.
00:39When the sun and moon come in Makar sign,
00:42and there is Brihaspati in Brisha sign,
00:45and there is Amavasya Parva,
00:47then Kumbh is celebrated in Prayag.
00:51After this celebration,
00:55after 2-2.25 years, Kumbh is celebrated in Nashik.
00:59And after 7-8 months, Kumbh is celebrated in Ujjain.
01:03And after 2-3 years, Kumbh is celebrated in Haridwar.
01:08This is celebrated in 12 years.
01:10And in Haridwar and Prayag,
01:14this is also celebrated as Ardh Kumbh.
01:17So, in 6 years, people also celebrate Ardh Kumbh.
01:20Those who can't go for 12 years due to old age and health issues,
01:25and they feel that 12 years is too long,
01:27they also celebrate Ardh Kumbh in 6 years.
01:29If not complete, at least half of it,
01:31so that they get some benefit.
01:32So, they come to Ardh Kumbh Parva and bathe.
01:36And Kumbh is celebrated in 12 years.
01:40In 6 months, Ardh Kumbh is celebrated.
01:42In 6 years, this is celebrated.
01:44And some people say that
01:49when Kumbh is celebrated repeatedly,
01:51then it is called Maha Kumbh.
01:54This is also said.
01:55Is Prayagnath Kumbh more important than other Kumbhs?
02:00Or are there more things here that can be seen extensively?
02:04Prayag is known by the word itself,
02:08that it is the king of pilgrimages.
02:11So, there is a difference between a common person's festival
02:14and a king's festival.
02:18This Kumbh, when it is in Prayagraj,
02:21then it is in Rajasikhatwat.
02:23It is very extensive.
02:25And many people come here.
02:28And by the grace of God, in the Kachhar of Ganga Yamuna,
02:30this is also the largest land.
02:33The area of about 15 km is vacant
02:37for the arrangement of this Kumbh Parva.
02:39So, this much land is not available elsewhere.
02:42That is why this Kumbh is very large.
02:45Is there a difference between the previous Kumbh and this Kumbh?
02:49Because you have been seeing these things for a long time.
02:54I have seen four or five Kumbhs of Prayagraj.
02:57I have been going there since the Kumbh of this year, 1978.
03:01And since then, I have been living in every Kumbh.
03:04So, the difference is natural.
03:07In the whole world,
03:09there is a difference in our way of thinking,
03:11in our way of living, in everything.
03:14You can see the same effect in the arrangement of the Kumbh.
03:20Earlier, people used to go there for penance.
03:23They still go there.
03:24But now, many people have started going there for charity.
03:28Earlier, it was believed that the means of comfort and comfort
03:33should be collected less.
03:35Because comfort and comfort are at home.
03:37If they take it there too, then what is the point of going there?
03:40So, earlier, this type of thinking was influential.
03:44This type of thinking used to be there in people's minds.
03:47Now, comfort and comfort have started accumulating there.
03:50Now, there is more comfort than at home.
03:53So, after going there,
03:54the topic of penance has started to go back a little.
03:58In fact, in the case of sadhus and saints,
04:00the means of comfort and comfort are being collected more.
04:03And now, that topic of penance
04:05is only in some Kalpavasis and some sadhus and saints.
04:10Now, more part of it has become the form of fairs.
04:14Meeting, socializing, staying, increasing contact, etc.
04:19All these aspects have increased.
04:21Maharaj Ji, two more questions.
04:22One question is about the Naga community.
04:25It is said that the Nagas are prepared in the Kumbh.
04:30The question is, why did they need it?
04:32What is the importance of the Nagas in our Sanatan Dharma?
04:36What is the importance of the Nagas and why is it shown in the Kumbh?
04:40The word Naga is made up of the word Nag.
04:45Nag means mountain.
04:49Nagachchati, Nagaha.
04:51Agachchati, Agaha.
04:54Ag and Nag, these two names are called by them.
04:57Those who don't walk, stay still in one place,
