Come arrivare a Tokyo 東京dall’aeroporto di Haneda usando la linea Keikyu ✈︎ 羽田空港!
Getting to Tokyo 東京 from Haneda Airport HND by Keikyu line ✈︎ 羽田空港!
▼ Step by step the route to get to Tokyo from Haneda Airport!
▽ 0:04 Landing to Haneda Airport 羽田へ到着 Atterraggio ad Haneda
▽ 0:20 Follow: ARRIVALS 到着の案内に沿って進む Segui indicazioni “ARRIVO”
▽ 0:47 Pass ISPECTION 検疫通過 Passa l’ispezione
▽ 1:04 Take LUGGAGE 預け荷物受け取り Prendi il bagaglio
▽ 1:12 Then pass customs before the door of outside 税関手続き / Formalità Doganali prima di uscire
▽ 1:16 Inside HANEDA AIRPORT 羽田空港 到着ロビー Arrival Lobby – Dentro la lobby dell’aereporto!
▽ 1:24 Follow KEIKYU LINE 案内に従って京急線へ向かう Segui per la linea KEIKYU LINE
▽ 1:39 Follow FOR THE CITY CENTER 東京方面の電車へ Segui per “FOR CITY CENTER or Yokohama”
▽ 2:12 Get on the train 行き先に注意して電車に乗る Prendi il treno!!
▽ 3:24 Welcome to the city! ようこそトーキョーへ! Benvenuto a Tokyo!
Have a nice trip in TOKYO!
Year 2024-11 / HANEDA - Tokyo 東京
©AntoYokoMonogatari ©EdJapan
Thanks for watching!!! ☺
#haneda #keikyu #hanedaairport #hndairport #羽田
Getting to Tokyo 東京 from Haneda Airport HND by Keikyu line ✈︎ 羽田空港!
▼ Step by step the route to get to Tokyo from Haneda Airport!
▽ 0:04 Landing to Haneda Airport 羽田へ到着 Atterraggio ad Haneda
▽ 0:20 Follow: ARRIVALS 到着の案内に沿って進む Segui indicazioni “ARRIVO”
▽ 0:47 Pass ISPECTION 検疫通過 Passa l’ispezione
▽ 1:04 Take LUGGAGE 預け荷物受け取り Prendi il bagaglio
▽ 1:12 Then pass customs before the door of outside 税関手続き / Formalità Doganali prima di uscire
▽ 1:16 Inside HANEDA AIRPORT 羽田空港 到着ロビー Arrival Lobby – Dentro la lobby dell’aereporto!
▽ 1:24 Follow KEIKYU LINE 案内に従って京急線へ向かう Segui per la linea KEIKYU LINE
▽ 1:39 Follow FOR THE CITY CENTER 東京方面の電車へ Segui per “FOR CITY CENTER or Yokohama”
▽ 2:12 Get on the train 行き先に注意して電車に乗る Prendi il treno!!
▽ 3:24 Welcome to the city! ようこそトーキョーへ! Benvenuto a Tokyo!
Have a nice trip in TOKYO!
Year 2024-11 / HANEDA - Tokyo 東京
©AntoYokoMonogatari ©EdJapan
Thanks for watching!!! ☺
#haneda #keikyu #hanedaairport #hndairport #羽田