Actress Alia Bhatt gave her fans a glimpse into her personality by sharing a photo of her coffee mug on Instagram stories. The big white mug proudly displays the word "DREAMER", which Alia says perfectly sums her up. She then asked her followers if their own coffee cups could capture their essence, adding a poll with two humorous options: "Yes! Mine does too" and "No don't be weird."
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00:00Actress Alia Bhatt gave her fans a glimpse into her personality
00:04by sharing a photo of her coffee mug on Instagram stories.
00:08The big white mug proudly displays the word
00:11DREAMER, which Alia says perfectly sums her up.
00:15She then asked her followers if their own coffee cups could capture their essence,
00:19adding a poll with two humorous options,
00:26It seems that the actress is now back from her New Year's holiday.
00:30Earlier this month, the actress had shared a gamut of photographs
00:34from the getaway with her family.
00:36The pictures featured her husband, actor Ranbir, their daughter, Raha Kapoor,
00:42her mother, Soni Razdan, director Ayan Mukherjee, her mother-in-law,
00:47Neetu Kapoor and her sister-in-law, Riddhima Kapoor Sani.
00:52She wrote in the caption, 2025, where love leads and the rest just follows.
00:58Happy New Year all.
00:59On the acting front, Alia will next be seen in Alpha.
01:03It is directed by Shiv Rawal, who is known for the streaming series
01:07The Railway Men, which was also produced by YRF.
01:11It is the first female-led film from the spy universe
01:15and also stars Sharwari and Anil Kapoor.
01:18The film's title was unveiled in a special video by the makers.