• 2 months ago
Layla is a young and attractive woman who meets Bryce in her teen years, and he is who she claims to be the love of her | dG1faGJVRHc4SlZyX0E
00:00I used to tell my young teenage self, Layla, one day, you're going to meet your prince
00:22charming and he's so in love, has exciting careers, big house, and beautiful babies.
00:36But boy, was I wrong.
00:43Is he violent to you?
00:44Shut your ass up! You always running your goddamn mouth!
00:51I'll fucking kill you, Layla!
00:56After all the shit I did, putting money on your books, coming to see your ass,
01:00I was there for you, I waited for you, I was loyal to you, and this is what the fuck you do?
01:07And I made you, Layla, and who the fuck I wanted you to be.
01:10And when your ass got out of line, I made sure to put you back in your fucking place.
01:20So this has all been some ordeal for you.
