#drama #shortdrama
Lin Dali, an ordinary girl, gains mysterious powers through an unexpected event, turning her life upside down. Once underestimated by everyone, she suddenly becomes a workplace star and a civilian hero, stepping up to resolve crises repeatedly. However, as her powers grow, hidden secrets and greater conspiracies emerge. Faced with choices involving friendship, love, and destiny, how will Lin Dali use her strength to create miracles?
#短剧 #短剧全集
Lin Dali, an ordinary girl, gains mysterious powers through an unexpected event, turning her life upside down. Once underestimated by everyone, she suddenly becomes a workplace star and a civilian hero, stepping up to resolve crises repeatedly. However, as her powers grow, hidden secrets and greater conspiracies emerge. Faced with choices involving friendship, love, and destiny, how will Lin Dali use her strength to create miracles?
#短剧 #短剧全集
Short film