• 2 months ago
Detailed footage shows Venus shining brightly above a crescent Moon in South Shields - here’s when you can spot Venus.


00:00Here is a view of the moon, currently, through the telescope, and if I zoom in, I'll just give you a quick kind of tour of some of the craters and some of the detail on the moon, which you can only see when it's at its current phase, which is only 16% lit, which looks pretty beautiful, but here we go.
00:31With the detail on some of those craters, wow.
00:40That's the bottom of the moon right now, and I'll just scan up the very thin crescent, there's some more detailed craters there, wow.
00:52I'll zoom out just a little bit because, there, that's a little bit better.
01:06This is probably one of my favourites just here, it's so defined, it's so beautiful.
01:11The eastern edge of the moon, and going towards the very top tip of the moon right here, you can just see the sunlight just catching the very tip of the moon there.
01:35Venus being so close to the sun is super bright, and the missing segment of the circle here, on the top corner, is just simply because of how it's lit by the sun and our perspective from Earth.
01:50But that is the super bright Venus just to the right of the moon, tonight.
