• 2 months ago
مدي 1 تي في : قراءة في عناوين صحف مغاربية - 03/01/2025


00:00Al-Jazeera has opened its borders at the beginning of the week to release Moroccan youths after
00:19they have served their sentence in prison, and a new release is expected soon from hundreds of Moroccan detainees or detainees for detention and trial, according to the Moroccan Association for the Assistance of Immigrants in Difficult Situations.
00:36According to Al-Jazeera, this operation concerned 60 Moroccan youths who were sentenced to three years and six months in prison for illegal immigration charges.
00:52We turn to the website of 360 and the article discussing the current crisis between Algeria and Mali, in which there is a response to another blow by the head of Algerian diplomacy, Ahmed Attaf.
01:06The Algerian Ministry of Finance refused to intervene in Mali's internal affairs.
01:13For Bamako, this situation confirms the proximity of Algeria and its ties with terrorist groups that are disturbing the settlement of Mali and thus providing it with shelter and cover, as well as controlling its criminal activities against the civilian population.
01:31According to the author, the financial authorities have always asked, on several occasions and in all possible ways, not to interfere in the internal affairs of their country.
01:41It seems that the Algerian regime does not really understand this, according to what is mentioned in the article.
01:46We read in the newspaper Espresso that Algeria took over the role of the International Security Council in January.
01:53It is a protocol that the Algerian regime is trying to inflate and present as a diplomatic achievement that serves the issues that Algeria defends,
02:04mainly the issue of supporting the separation in the Moroccan Sahara, the preparation of Morocco and the attempt to establish national security.
02:13According to the newspaper, experts have confirmed that the Algerian presidency of the Security Council is of a purely administrative nature and does not give a direct impact on fundamental decisions.
02:25The media coverage of this event aims to promote Algeria's position on the Moroccan Sahara issue and an attempt to cover up the diplomatic victories achieved by the ties in the course of the seizure of power over it.
02:43On the one hand, the Daily News of Moroccan Events published an article about the expectations that the prices of gas mines in Morocco will increase again this year,
02:54after the first increase that was applied in May 2024.
02:58As a result, the price of gas mines in Bhutan will be 60 dirhams instead of 50 dirhams now,
03:05after the application of this second increase this year, which is expected to be announced by the Ministry of Economy in the coming months.
03:13The newspaper also wrote that the Moroccan Gas Distribution Association has made it clear in media statements that this increase will not be implemented in January.
03:24It also assured citizens that any planned increases will be gradually made to ensure the stability of the market and the protection of consumers from any sudden effects.
03:37The newspaper reported that the Moroccan asylum system is threatened with bankruptcy and that the government is planning to amend it by raising the rates of asylum applications to 65 years in the private sector.
03:52The newspaper also said that it learned from its sources that after the implementation of the legal and regulatory project in front of the Parliament,
04:00the government has legislated on the final description of the amendment of the threatened asylum system to bankruptcy.
04:06The sources said that the project, which is expected to be revoked by Parliament in the next legislative round,
04:13is expected to raise the rates of asylum applications to 65 years, including in the private sector, and to raise the rates of asylum applications, including in the private sector as well.
04:24Regarding Libya, we read that the crisis of military escalation is again worrying Libyans, who are afraid of it becoming a tangible reality again.
04:33This crisis is leading to regional developments, especially in Syria, where the balance of power is lost in the political dialogue between the active parties,
04:42which puts the situation on the brink of a deadly volcano that may explode if it does not reach a peaceful solution soon.
04:49The article said that with the beginning of the new year, some began to market a pessimistic scenario,
04:57i.e. the possibility of a ceasefire collapse after more than four years of planning,
05:04in light of a fragile security situation that has gone beyond a state of no war and no peace, which was followed by some military conflicts.
05:14In the Tunisian newspaper, we read that last year has passed in its sweet and bitter way, and another page of time has been folded with it, carrying many different events.
05:24Tunisia has experienced some diverse and diverse events, and there are hot files on the table of the Tunisian government.
05:32You see, the newspaper says that it is important to have in the first place a number of work plans to advance the vital public services,
05:40namely education at various stages, public health and public transport.
05:46The newspaper called on the government to double its efforts and put policies that intersect with past development methods and traditional practices.
05:56With this article, we end the segment until next time.
