• 2 months ago
A year ago Colin Fowst's friend Paul and his girlfriend Mary-Ann appeared to have been kidnapped by Occultists in the Ha | dG1faXFBZmYzTTQzUlE
00:00okay people so if you're watching this then you probably want to know my film
00:05idea so basically this is a pitch our main character is mr. Frankenstein or
00:10dr. Frankenstein or however you call him or whatever he's gonna be he's a boy
00:14genius medical student so he finishes university or college or what-have-you
00:20and he gets into Clive Allen books now Clive Allen is of course the author
00:27murderer in the Hamley disappearances and basically he kind of drops off the
00:34map and becomes a recluse interested in these Hamley woods basically he listens
00:40to a podcast which which is about a guy or a group of guys but one of them goes
00:49around to different towns and makes episodes about different unsolved
00:57paranormal mysteries what-have-you and unsolved murders all that jazz that the
01:02podcaster gets an email from dr. Frankenstein dr. Frankenstein wants him
01:08to come over and so they can talk and basically have a kind of formal
01:17interview and see whether the podcaster knows that dr. Frankenstein has enough
01:24issue to warrant being let on as a guest so he heads over to dr. Frankenstein's
01:30place and of course the podcaster is thinking that he is going to be talking
01:35and with dr. Frankenstein about you know the woods and all of the things that
01:41they were trying to figure out in the Hamley disappearances however dr.
01:47Frankenstein is actually grilling him for information he's subtly letting on
01:54like certain tidbits to try and see whether the podcaster already has enough
02:00knowledge and a kind of comprehension of how to investigate paranormal mysteries
02:07because dr. Frankenstein is trying to see whether whether this horror podcast
02:13host is actually worthy of being the brain to his monster that he is creating
02:21in the other room now the monster he's creating in the other room is because
02:25he's been to the Hamley woods before that's why he's so intrigued by them
02:29he used to have fond memories of going there as a kid and he goes down there to
02:33investigate and he sees Marianne biting Paul and once Marianne goes off he
02:41grabs Paul's body and takes it home now of course that incident is the climax of
02:48and so he's trying to use Paul as you know as a servant to go in there not be
02:56susceptible to vampirism and try and bring back Marianne and Dracula or
03:03whatever vampires there so he can basically have a vampire and experiment
03:10and save the world like yo I am the first scientist who has an understanding
03:17of the kind of voodoo art and black magic these occults from revival of
03:24Dracula inflict on people and change them and have an understanding of their
03:29science so they're grilling each other you know they're you know having a
03:36fierce courtroom drama face off against each other at this point Frankenstein
03:41thinks he's kind of drugged the podcaster however well Frankenstein is
03:48turning away and talking it's at this point that the podcaster reveals he is a
03:52member of the occult and the podcast is actually just a lure to go to different
03:57towns and work out which people are spoiling the unsolved mysteries and
04:04areas and try and get in the shut up or kill them or capture them and both so in
04:10the end Frankenstein dies at the hands of this occultist and the occultist
04:17takes Paul's body which of course will be Frankenstein in some days of maybe a
04:24sequel who knows
04:25so that's my idea and I kind of hope that gets everything across there
04:35obviously there will be some revisions when I get to actually writing it and I'll
04:40try and keep you informed if there's any more changes to the story but there you
04:44go I don't know interview with a Frankenstein or whatever yeah hope you
