• 2 months ago
They were created. They thrived. And then they bit the forbidden fruit — and it changed everything. But what happened to Adam and Eve after God kicked them out of Eden?


00:00They were created, they thrived, and then they bit the forbidden fruit.
00:05And it changed everything.
00:06But what happened to Adam and Eve after God kicked them out of Eden?
00:09There are a ton of misconceptions in what we might call the pop culture account of Adam
00:13and Eve.
00:14Genesis never says that the forbidden fruit was an apple, and the serpent who tempts Eve
00:18isn't the devil.
00:19Still, it gets some broad strokes right.
00:21God creates Adam, and then Eve.
00:23They live in the Garden of Eden until the serpent tempts them to eat the forbidden fruit.
00:27And then God banishes them from the Garden when their sin is discovered.
00:30The aftermath of Adam and Eve's fall from grace is better known for the consequences
00:34it had for humanity over anything that happened to the sinners themselves.
00:38Genesis itself quickly moves on from Adam and Eve to their children.
00:42But before the story shifts to Cain and Abel, Genesis 3 does say that God himself clothed
00:47Adam and Eve with skins, and that their banishment was in part to keep them from obtaining immortality.
00:52Once they were driven out of Eden, Adam and Eve had to work the land for sustenance, while
00:56the cherubs barred the way back to the Garden and the Tree of Life.
00:59"...You're out of there!"
01:04Genesis moves directly from the fall of Adam and Eve to the trajectory of Cain and Abel.
01:09But in the Islamic tradition, there's another wrinkle in the story.
01:12Adam and Eve's creation and fall is scattered throughout several verses of the Quran, and
01:16varies in some key ways from the Christian tradition.
01:19Adam was preordained to leave paradise for mortal earth.
01:22Satan rebelled after being ordered to submit to him.
01:25Eve didn't even get a name in the story, and Allah forgave them for their sin after
01:28they ate the forbidden fruit.
01:30Despite being forgiven and appointed to be stewards of the world, Adam and Eve were still
01:34ashamed after their transgression.
01:37Later developments within Islam held that, upon their descent from heaven, they went
01:41their separate ways.
01:42Adam supposedly came down to Earth in modern-day Sri Lanka, while Eve landed in Arabia.
01:48Two hundred years later, they reunited near Mount Arafat, and only then did they have
01:52children and began to populate the world.
01:55The Bible doesn't say much about Adam and Eve after their banishment.
01:58Genesis says only that they had another son, Seth, after Abel's death, and that Adam lived
02:02to be 930 years old.
02:04But there is a Jewish apocryphal text, sometimes called the Life of Adam and Eve and sometimes
02:08the Apocalypse of Moses, that goes into greater detail on their lives outside the Garden of
02:14According to that work, Adam and Eve were aware of their son's strife and reacted to
02:18it, just like most parents would, though they didn't end up influencing what happened very
02:23Unlike most parents, they then had 60 more children together, 30 sons and 30 daughters.
02:29At the end of his life, Adam is said to have laid in great pain.
02:32He called his sons to him and told them the story of their exile from Eden.
02:35His agony was too much to bear for Eve, and she offered to shoulder half the burden of
02:40Adam's pain.
02:41Instead, Adam sent Eve and Seth to approach the borders of Eden and pray for his relief.
02:46They made the journey, and on their arrival at the Gates of Paradise, the archangel Michael
02:50promised them relief from suffering, but only at the end of days.
02:54Michael then ordered them back to Adam's side to witness the spectacle of death.
02:58Adam reprimanded Eve for bringing suffering upon them, but Eve rebutted him with her own
03:02account of mankind's fall.
03:04She watched Adam's soul depart for heaven, and six days later, she died too.
03:08That is so sad.
03:11Dude, dude, dude, dude, dude.
