• 2 months ago
Bianis shared heartwarming footage of her long-awaited reunion with her adorable nephew.

"I hadn’t seen my nephew for a year; we are very close, and this meeting was filled with so much happiness," Bianis told WooGlobe.

The surprise unfolds as Bianis quietly takes a seat behind the unsuspecting boy. It takes a little while for the distracted youngster to turn around and spot one of his favorite people in front of him.

He instantly rushes into her arms, creating a moment they will both cherish for years to come.

Location: Popayán, Colombia
WooGlobe Ref : WGA180185
For licensing and to use this video, please email licensing@wooglobe.com


00:02Then, he gave me the homework
00:06I wrote the homework
00:10Pass me the bag a moment
00:12Yes, but pass me the bag a moment
00:14Pass me the bag my love
00:22I'm going to introduce you to the new teacher you have
00:24I'm going to give you a homework
00:28Oh no!
00:30Oh no!
00:32Oh no!
00:34Oh no!
00:36So many things we did!
00:38Nothing but looking at the teacher
00:40Oh no!
00:42Oh no!
00:44Oh no!
