• vor 2 Monaten
Die LEGO Flower Sets gibt's schon seit einigen Jahren. Jetzt zeigt der Hersteller von Klemmbausteinen, wie ihr zwei davon zu einem neuen Bouquet kombiniert.

Wir haben die insgesamt vier Videos für euch zusammengeschnitten, nacheinander bekommt ihr Tipps für folgende Blumenarrangements :

- Dopamin Déquor
- Grand Millennial
- Modern Farmhouse
- Bohemian

Einen Vorteil haben die farbenfrohen Blumensträuße auf jeden Fall: Sie brauchen weder Wasser noch Licht oder Pflege abseits des gelegentlichen Abstaubens.

Warum wir über LEGO & Co. berichten
In der Redaktion und bei vielen Lesern gehören LEGO und verwandte Klemmbaustein-Modelle zu den Hobbys, mit denen ihr und wir die meiste Zeit abseits von PC und Konsolen verbringen. Die Berichterstattung dazu sehen wir neben Entertainment-Themen zu Filmen und Serien, Tabletop-Spielen und dem ein oder anderen Brettspiel-Artikel als Teil eines Blickes über den Tellerrand, der das GameStar-Angebot ergänzt und erweitert, aber unseren Fokus auf Videospiele niemals ersetzen wird.
00:00Let me show you what happens when you take this and this to make this.
00:05Dear me, this is for all the struggles when all you deserve are photos.
00:10Wow, love me some self-loving.
00:12And I think for this bouquet we need something bright, fun, playful.
00:17And I have just the thing.
00:19The dopamine, the core.
00:21To arrange this mix, we'll need two of our new bouquets.
00:25This one's giving pink delight.
00:27And this one over here, hope she's giving vibrant and love.
00:32And this one comes in a little chalice, but let's clear it first.
00:37The interesting thing about these flowers is that they're full of surprises.
00:41Like this one over here, the Knight Rider Camellia.
00:44You see those dark red petals?
00:46They're actually used as cockpits for various LEGO vehicles.
00:49And if you ever need a few more hands with the bouquet,
00:54you can always count on this little tiny robot here.
00:58See the center?
01:00There are actually six tiny LEGO wands.
01:03It's easier for casting spells.
01:06Now you can play around with it.
01:09And be sure that everything clicks.
01:13So I made a few tweaks, but she's looking good.
01:16I'm just gonna pop this little buddy over here.
01:19Maybe some canterbury?
01:21We're gonna do it like this.
01:24Always remember to open up your blooms.
01:27The bigger, the better.
01:29You can also turn the buds.
01:31And open up your petals to fill out your bouquet.
01:34And there you have it, the dopamine decor.
01:45Let's build a LEGO bouquet.
01:47Dear Rumi, I'm Classic Rock, your Electro Pop.
01:50But somehow we make it work.
01:52This sounds like it's a Millennial and a Gen Z.
01:55And I have the perfect bouquet
01:57that both of them are gonna enjoy in their home.
01:59It's called the Grand Millennial.
02:01The Grand Millennial is the perfect mixture
02:04with the vintage and also the modern.
02:07Starting off with roses.
02:10Did you know that roses are considered the oldest flower?
02:15To add a little bit of color and freshness to it,
02:18we're gonna add a few bees.
02:21Aren't they amazing?
02:23The main focus for a new bouquet is for it to be fresh.
02:27So we're gonna add a little bit...
02:30So, we're gonna add a few buds,
02:35a dahlia,
02:37and orchids.
02:39But these orchids have a few secrets.
02:41Come a little closer.
02:43Do you see those?
02:45Those are actually tiny frogs.
02:47They're tiny frogs.
02:49They're tiny axes.
02:51Isn't that awesome?
02:53So we're gonna add those here as well.
02:56A trick is to really separate your stems
02:59so you can have a bit more room to play with.
03:01Let's lay our blooms
03:03with a little cantonberry bell
03:05and an eucalyptus
03:07to add balance.
03:09Always keep in mind shape
03:12and texture
03:14that everything clicks.
03:19You just made your first-ever
03:21Grand Millennial bouquet.
03:27Let's prepare some bouquets.
03:29To my darling,
03:31till I get to spend forever with you, my flower,
03:33on the farmhouse of our dreams,
03:35waking up to fresh-smelling...
03:40Here's some flowers instead.
03:42I have the perfect bouquet.
03:45The modern farmhouse.
03:48The farmhouse decor feels light and effortless.
03:52The trick to getting it right
03:54with this same style of bouquet
03:56is mixing the right elements.
03:59For instance,
04:01the sunflowers.
04:03And then also
04:05use some eye-catching
04:12Let's add some roses.
04:14Let's go with that one.
04:16And this one, too.
04:18If you check the leaves...
04:20Do you see it?
04:22It's a dinosaur wing.
04:24What else?
04:26California poppy.
04:28Those are actually traditionally used
04:30for food recipes.
04:32Not those ones, though.
04:34If you see the petals,
04:36they are Lego cars and airplanes.
04:38So you shouldn't eat them.
04:43You shouldn't!
04:45Let's fill it out with some lavender.
04:48Maybe some aster flower.
04:51Remember, variety is the key.
04:54Sunflowers here are the focal flowers.
04:57Move them around.
04:58Let the other blooms shine, too.
05:00And look at this.
05:02That is it.
05:03The modern farmhouse.
05:13Komm, let's build a bouquet.
05:15Hey, neighbor.
05:17Love that we travel a lot,
05:19but our plans don't last as long as our trip.
05:22Don't worry. Not your fault.
05:24Here's one that will.
05:26The bohemian.
05:28A bohemian never follows the rules.
05:31Just like me, I guess.
05:35First of all, we need a vase.
05:38And then we'll go for the
05:40little bouquet of wild flowers.
05:44Nice, beautiful. Look at that.
05:47And then we also have the lovely bunch.
05:50A classic.
05:54Let's mix colors, textures, patterns
05:57for a house bursting with personality.
06:00Now, think deep greens for a base color.
06:04We'll start with these ones here.
06:07And these ones, too.
06:10Let's finish with this pair.
06:12Accessorize it with some fiery orange.
06:17Some deep purple.
06:19Last but not least, electric blue.
06:24Well, now you have to pick focal flowers.
06:28They're usually the largest flowers.
06:30This one, for instance.
06:33One of these.
06:35And, oh, this is a beauty, too.
06:39Now, be sure to pick the freshest blooms.
06:42You will know when you hear them click.
06:46And now, before we go to the next step,
06:49did you know that all of these flowers
06:52have little secrets?
06:54Tiny oars in the gerbera daisies?
06:56Looping with pirate hats?
06:58A wheel hub in the Welsh puppies?
07:03To complete the look of it,
07:05add fiddler flowers in groups of two or three.
07:08These ones here.
07:10And these ones, too.
07:12Nice ones, huh?
07:14And there you have it.
07:15The bohemian.
07:16The perfect bouquet for a traveler's home.
