• vor 2 Monaten
Unstoppable erzählt die wahre Geschichte des einbeinigen Ringers Anthony Robles, der aus schwierigen Verhältnissen stammt und es dennoch geschafft hat, zum Top-Athleten aufzusteigen. Der inspirierende Film basiert auf seiner Autobiografie Unstoppable: From Underdog To Undefeated: How I Became A Champion.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/unstoppable-the-anthony-robles-story


00:00I'm running out of time to be someone dreamers only as big as the dreams they chase
00:10You can show them anything is possible
00:21He's a man now right so you gotta pitch in I'm not letting him quit wrestling and I'm not letting him quit school
00:27Mom, it's just a sport doesn't put food on the table wrestling is what you do. It's who you are
00:33We can't choose when to be great. We can only hope to be great when it counts
00:39You make people believe in something you are unstoppable
00:46You know when we'll see I'll tell you a secret I've been hiding I only got one leg
