• 2 months ago
Kisan Samman Nidhi Yaojna : पीएम किसान सम्मान निधि की 19वीं किस्त फरवरी महीने में जारी की जा सकती है. सरकार ने इस स्कीम की 18वीं किस्त अक्टूबर महीने में जारी की थी. आइए जानते हैं कि इस स्कीम का लाभ किन किसानों को नहीं मिलेगा.

#KisanSammanNidhiYaojna #Kisan19thinstallmentdate #Kisan19thInstallmentUpdate #PMNarendraModi #19thInstallmentDate #19thInstallmentDateAnnouncement #PMKisanSammanNidhiYojana #KisanSammanNidhiYaojna #KisanNidhiYojana #KisanSammanNidhiYojanaUpdate #pmKisanNews #KisanSammanNews #FarmersNews #Kisan18thInstallmentNews #KisanSammanNidhiYaojnaNews #PMNarendraModiNews



00:00The central government keeps running a lot of schemes for the economic help of farmers.
00:05In this cycle, the government started the PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme in 2019,
00:10under which the government provides the eligible farmers with an annual income of Rs 6,000,
00:15which is sent directly to the farmers as a 2,000-rupee loan throughout the year.
00:2118 loans have been issued so far, and now the 19th loan is eagerly awaited by the farmers.
00:28But this time, there are some farmers who will not be able to get the benefit of the 19th loan.
00:33So when will this loan be issued and which farmers will not be able to benefit?
00:37Let's find out.
00:39According to the reports, the 19th loan of the PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi will be issued in February 2025.
00:45However, no official statement has been made about this yet.
00:49Approximately 13 crore farmers are helped under this scheme.
00:52The government's scheme is issued every four months.
00:56Last time, the 18th loan of the PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi was issued in October,
01:00which will be completed in February.
01:03Therefore, it is estimated that the next loan of the PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi can be issued in February 2025.
01:09Now, if there are some farmers who have not yet applied for this scheme,
01:13then let's find out step by step how you can apply online.
01:17First of all, you have to go to the PM-Kisan website.
01:20After that, you have to click on the new farmer registration.
01:23After that, you have to enter your Aadhar number, state, district and other relevant personal details and bank details.
01:30You have to submit the form and then print it out.
01:33This is how you can apply.
01:35But as I told you, there are some farmers who will not be able to benefit from the scheme this time.
01:40The Indian government has told the people who are not getting the loan of the PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi
01:45that which steps will have to be followed.
01:47For this, the government first issued a notice to do EKYC.
01:52Those farmers who have not yet done their EKYC under the scheme,
01:55they will not get the benefit of it.
01:57They will not get 19% in their account.
01:59Apart from this, let's also know what the eligibility criteria are for this.
02:03So, if a member of a farmer's family collects tax, then he is not given the benefit of the scheme.
02:09The member of the family means the husband and wife and children.
02:13Those who do not have agricultural land have been excluded from the PM-Kisan scheme.
02:18If you have agricultural land in the name of your grandfather or father
02:22or in the name of a family member, then you will not get the benefit of the PM-Kisan scheme.
02:27If one of the husband and wife is taking advantage of this scheme,
02:31then the other cannot get the benefit under the scheme.
02:34If a farmer is in a government job, then he will not get the benefit of the PM-Kisan scheme.
02:39Registered doctors, engineers, lawyers, CA have also been excluded from this scheme.
02:44Even if a farmer gets a pension of Rs 10,000 annually, he cannot benefit from this scheme.
02:49So, this eligibility criteria has been kept for this.
02:52Apart from this, those farmers who have not done EKYC,
02:55they will not get the benefit of the 19% this time.
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