• 2 months ago
El Ángel de Aurora Capítulo 113 Completo
El Ángel de Aurora Capítulo 113 Completo
El Ángel de Aurora Capítulo 113 Completo
El Ángel de Aurora Capítulo 113 Completo
00:00You hate your own sister Isabel, you always had envy and courage, you manipulated me to get away from her
00:07My sister has been cheating on you all this time
00:12Of course, my love
00:14But if these two had already taken too long, I'm not very excited to be you, I love you very much little sister
00:21I don't believe you anything, you've never supported me, on the contrary
00:24And better leave your double face for someone who believes you
00:27Calm down, please, calm down
00:30But what's wrong with you, what a genius
00:33Isn't it supposed to be that you should be happy, in a good mood, for being a mom?
00:38Love, you're going to be an uncle
00:40And how do you know, Briana?
00:43Who told you? Demian?
00:47How could you mess with my construction company, with the work of my life?
00:50And you are nothing more than a coward, a coward who hides under his mother's skirts
00:57Well, I'm a what?
00:58A coward
00:59Don't insult me
01:00And what are you going to do?
01:01You're in our house
01:02What for?
01:03You're in our house
01:04You don't exist, Isabel
01:05You're protecting Demian, and both of you are going to pay for this
01:10Yes, of course, it was my brother-in-law who called me to see if I already knew something
01:16This baby is going to solve all his problems
01:19He's so excited that he's already thinking of names
01:22Angel, listen to me
01:24So, it's true?
01:29I'm pregnant
01:36Let's calm down, please
01:39Don't try to manipulate me, Isabel
01:43I know you, I know what kind of snake you are
01:46No, no, no, no, no, I'm not pregnant
01:48What's wrong with you? Don't touch my mom like that again, Antonio
01:51If you lost this business, it was your fault
01:53You were looking for lost children, Antonio
01:56You were fighting with Julio Cesar
01:58What a shame that you inherited the manipulation of your godfather, not the values of your father
02:02If Fabrizio were alive, he would be very disappointed with you, Demian
02:06I'm going to investigate what really happened
02:08I'm going to go to jail
02:10Someone has divulged information about a company, whoever it is
02:14Do it, just get out of my house first, and why not?
02:19Of my company
02:20I'm leaving your mother's house
02:23But I'm not going to leave the company until the majority shareholder, Angel Santos, asks me to
02:33But of course that's not going to happen
02:36You're not going to marry that girl, they barely know each other
02:39Besides, you still have a long way to go to finish your career
02:43Son, there are priorities
02:45You can't be so irresponsible, for God's sake
02:48Oh, don't be so intense, dad
02:51I'm not going to stop studying
02:53And Mane also wants to finish his bachelor's degree
02:56Instead of always scolding me, you should give me the financial support I need
03:03Hey, why are we rich if we don't enjoy it?
03:06No, no, no, let's start over
03:09I'm not telling you not to go out with that girl
03:12On the contrary, I'm glad you forgot about Isabel
03:16But it's not the time to think about marriage, it's crazy
03:23And the one who stole my mom from Italy and brought her to Mexico without thinking twice says it
03:28No, no, no, no, that's not the same
03:31Besides, I didn't steal her
03:32Don't confuse one thing with another
03:34Your mom and I, look
03:37Did they love each other?
03:38Well, Mane and I also love each other
03:41Only you have the right to fall in love
03:43You know what, dad?
03:45Forget it, I can't talk to you, you'll never understand
03:56Angel, son, please
03:57What, mom?
03:59Everything will be fine
04:01No, nothing will be fine
04:04Please, can you understand that Elena and Demian are married?
04:08They were, mom
04:09They were, mom
04:10Elena doesn't want to be with him anymore
04:12But at the time, maybe they wanted to form a family
04:15Yes, but Elena is not happy with Demian
04:18What's more, I think she can't stand him anymore and now she's going to be tied to him
04:21And for life, mom
04:23And you're not committed to Briana
04:25Yes, I know, I know I'm committed, but don't you see?
04:29I love her with all my soul
04:30I want to see her happy, free from Demian
04:33Let's see, you can say whatever you want
04:37But Angel won't be able to save you if the other shareholders sign
04:41So that you retire from society
04:43You and I are going to talk very seriously, Briana
04:46Oh, yes, you're hormonal
04:48Yes, of course, and I don't serve you in the company anymore, you know?
04:50I remind you that you
04:52You looked for me with a lot of insistence for me to be a partner in your company
04:57Do you want me to tell you why you did it?
04:58Let's see, why?
04:59I mean, because I don't know
05:00But if you think I had a personal reason, Antonio, for the love of God
05:05I'm a businesswoman
05:07You're a scoundrel, a manipulator
05:09You took advantage of the weak forces to achieve your goals
05:12You begged me to be a partner in the company to torture your sister
05:15You want to see Aurora destroyed
05:17And you thought I would bring her down again, but no
05:20You got the wrong idea
05:22Dad, what's going on?
05:23Oh, she's already out of her mind
05:24No, you're the one who's out of her mind
05:26Antonio, would you do us a favor and leave our house, please?
05:29You hate your own sister, Isabel
05:31You've always had envy and anger
05:33You manipulated me to get away from her
05:36My sister has been cheating on you all this time
05:39You poisoned my heart, my mind
05:41When you showed me the DNA test of Gabriel
05:44That baby is not your son, Antonio
05:46It doesn't have your blood and it shouldn't have your last name either
05:50That child is not the product of a rape
05:54My sister has been cheating on you with someone else since before you started
05:59Who did you pay to call me and tell me that Gabriel was not my son?
06:03Who is speaking?
06:04I am Gabriel's father
06:06Aurora was not raped
06:08I was her mother
06:09I'm sure you were the one who manipulated Don Miguel to take the child
06:21Son, let's talk
06:22We'll talk later
06:27Hey, what's up? We were already getting along
06:30I don't understand why you're taking this attitude again
06:33What's up?
06:35I thought we had overcome all this
06:37Do you want to know what's going on?
06:40I don't know what to do anymore for you to listen to me
06:43And don't tell me you do listen to me, huh?
06:45Because we spend less time together
06:47And we only talk about your problems
06:49Oh no, son, that's not true
06:51Yes, it's true, dad
06:53I thought that if I supported you to get Aurora back, you would be more interested in what I have to tell you
06:58But no
07:00Imagine how lonely I feel
07:03I thought that accompanying you in your frustrated romance would bring me closer to you
07:08But it's useless, dad
07:10You don't see me
07:13And of course I'm not going to marry Manny
07:15She doesn't even want to see me
07:17I only told you to see if you can show me that you care
07:21Even if it's just a little bit
07:25And you can't even tell me anything right now
07:29Stay away from a woman who doesn't love you
07:31Stay tied to Antonio, which is the only way you have to get close to her
07:36Son, I'm going home, dad
07:40And you, I hope you find the answers you need
07:46You're defaming me with something very serious, Antonio
07:50We've had enough, I don't care if you're Elena's father
07:54Get out of my house, please
07:55Dad, you know what? Let's go
07:57No, no, it's time for her to pay for what she did
08:01I'm sorry, I'm sorry
08:02What are you doing?
08:03Come with me
08:04Come with me
08:05Who are you?
08:06Do something, I don't want to hurt you
08:08Hey, don't mess with me, Ana
08:09Come in
08:10I didn't touch her
08:12Here, in front of your father, accept it
08:15You threatened him
08:16So that he would kidnap his son Aurora
08:19And to abandon him to his fate
08:21How easy, right?
08:23You wash your hands and blame someone else
08:25But the one who has manipulated Aurora is you
08:27The one who doesn't leave her alone
08:28And now you're like Angel's father
08:31When you rejected him yourself
08:33I didn't reject him because of you
08:35And now you're going to face the consequences
08:41My dad loved my mom
08:43My mom, I just thought that one day
08:45I would find someone like her
08:48When I met Elena
08:49Something inside me told me that she was the woman of my life
08:53Elena is a wonderful woman
08:56I know that with time
08:57No, no, no, with time, nothing
08:59Time won't make you forget the love you feel for Elena
09:04Do you think your dad could have married another woman other than Victoria?
09:10It's those men who fight for their values
09:12For what is right
09:13That's what I learned from him
09:15I thought that after the divorce, she wouldn't have to know anything about Dimian
09:42and now I'm tied to him forever.
09:46Demian doesn't deserve to be the father of this baby.
09:49How can I be assured that she's going to be your daughter-in-law?
09:52Dad, I have to talk to Demian.
09:54No, later.
09:56My mom doesn't deserve this treatment, Antonio.
09:58It's time for someone to put her in her place
10:01and tell her the truth.
10:02She's responsible for all the bad things that are happening.
10:04Can you understand what the truth is?
10:06I was just trying to help Edgar with his business.
10:09That has nothing to do with you
10:11or with what happened with your construction company.
10:13What I don't understand is why you're still defending him.
10:17I'm not going to argue with you.
10:19Let's go, sweetie. We'll talk about this another day.
10:21No, Dad. I can't wait for this.
10:23Why not?
10:25I'm pregnant with Demian's baby.
10:31Honey, what are you talking about?
10:34We're going to be parents.
10:35You're the happiest man in the world, honey.
10:38It's the piece we need to rebuild our lives,
10:41to be happy.
10:42You're wrong.
10:44This doesn't change anything.
10:45Our divorce is still going on,
10:47and I'm never coming back to you.
10:49And if you have or had a relationship with Deana,
10:54I don't care anymore.
10:56I know my sister and you were lovers.
11:12Come on, partner.
11:14Don't exaggerate.
11:16This is what's best for all of us.
11:19We can't let my friend tell on us
11:22and go around gossiping about the police.
11:26Or what?
11:27Did you want us to close down the business
11:30and be buried in the grave?
11:33Or is it just us?
11:39Partner, where are you?
11:41There's also that whore from Jezebel and her gang.
11:46Because I wasn't going to leave on my own.
11:51Let's see.
11:52Get out of here, Pintas.
11:57What do you mean, Pintas?
12:00My name is...
12:01I told you not to come.
12:03Stay in your apartment.
12:04You have nothing to do here.
12:08Listen, kid.
12:12You'd better respect me.
12:15Don't forget that if you want to drink,
12:21don't tempt me with your heart.
12:25Everything that happened tonight is your fault.
12:28So get out of here.
12:30Let's go!
12:32This is my bar and I'm not leaving.
12:36Get out of here, Pintas.
12:38Let's go.
12:39I don't want to see you again.
12:42And I don't want to know that you're not going anywhere.
12:44You hear me?
12:45Let's go.
12:48Let's go.
12:50That idiot has no idea what I'm capable of.
12:54My dad was very angry.
12:56Jezebel didn't know what they were talking about.
12:58But if he told you all that,
13:00it's because he knows what you can do.
13:06Elena found out that you and I were lovers.
13:09And I think she's going to tell Angel.
13:11Damian, how could you?
13:13Why did you tell him? You have no right.
13:15Shut up. It wasn't him.
13:18It was me.
13:19You have to go abroad.
13:21You have to forget Angel.
13:23How much do you want?
13:24How much will it cost me for you to leave?
13:26No, no, no.
13:27Now it turns out they want to get rid of me.
13:29If Elena tells Angel something,
13:31I'm going to tell Angel.
13:34If Elena tells Angel something,
13:36I'm going to tell Angel that you asked me for Damian.
13:38So that no one believes them, none of them.
13:40Don't be silly.
13:43Everyone knows you're a cheater.
13:45Just like Mommy.
13:47Well, I hope you're ready to welcome me after the wedding.
13:51When I come to live in this house
13:52like Gabriel Campero's wife.
13:58Janita, you'll see that your brother and your dad are coming.
14:03My girl, you're not feeling well.
14:07Thank you, thank you.
14:12What's going on?
14:15What's wrong? Why are you crying?
14:17Where were you?
14:18You left me alone and I didn't know if you were coming back.
14:20Janita, how could I not come back?
14:23You're my family.
14:25Come on, call Dad so we can go have dinner.
14:28Angel, your dad hasn't come back.
14:32What do you mean he hasn't come back?
14:34No, he hasn't called or anything.
14:36He's never done that, bro.
14:38What if something happened to him?
14:51Please help me, Dad.
14:55Help me!
14:57Help me!
14:59Help me, please!
15:01I'm here, I'm here. I'm going to save you.
15:03Hang in there.
15:18Don't call Luis again, Dad.
15:20Don't call Luis again.
15:22Don't call Luis again.
15:24Don't call Luis again.
15:27I don't want him to talk.
15:29Don't talk.
15:31Call him with your heart.
15:33Help me, please!
15:35He needs you more than ever and you've refused to listen.
15:40My brother needs you, Dad.
15:45Do it for the family.
15:48Remember that the most important thing...
15:52is family love.
15:58Mi familia.
15:59Nada va a ser más feliz que nuestra familia crezca con la llegada de tu bebé.
16:04Bueno, de Demian, no quiero saber nada nunca más.
16:07Voy a ser el abuelo más consentido del mundo.
16:11El más.
16:12Ser mamá siempre fue mi sueño.
16:15Yo también.
16:16Yo también.
16:17Yo también.
16:18Yo también.
16:19Yo también.
16:20Yo también.
16:21Yo también.
16:22Yo también.
16:23Yo también.
16:24Yo también.
16:25Ser mamá siempre fue mi sueño.
16:28Pero nunca me imaginé que enfrentaría algo así sola, divorciada, y que mi hijo tendría
16:35un padre como Demian.
16:37No, mi mamá, tranquila.
16:38La sangre de mi mamá nos forma el carácter.
16:41Lo que nos da el carácter es el amor.
16:46Piensa en Ángel.
16:48No estás sola, hija.
16:51Me tienes a mí.
16:54Tienes a Aurora.
16:57Yo pensé que con el divorcio ella no tenía que saber nada de Demian y ahora estoy atada
17:03a él para siempre.
17:05Demian no merece ser el padre de este bebé, hijo.
17:11Tú eres una mujer fuerte.
17:14Eres capaz de darle todo el amor que necesita.
17:21Me imaginé que Briana y Demian...
17:24No puedo creer el grado de cinismo de estos dos.
17:29No me cabe en la cabeza que tu hermana haya sido capaz de esto.
17:34Yo siempre la quise como una hermana, papá.
17:38Me imaginé que fuera capaz de hacer algo así.
17:42Jamás se lo voy a perdonar.
17:45Yo voy a hablar con ella.
17:48Pero de ahora en adelante, tú, Aurora, Ángel y este bebé...
17:56El caso es para algo, mi amor.
17:58Son lo más importante para mí.
18:02Nada es más valioso que la familia.
18:12Tenía razón.
18:18Por la familia una es capaz de todo.
18:22Pero si Antonio le mete ideas a Aurora sobre mí
18:26y lo que pasó en las flores...
18:29Quítate a velar todo.
18:31Y vas a estar en problemas.
18:36No, porque mis palabras son mucho más poderosas
18:39que las de Antonio, ¿verdad, papá?
18:41Mamá, necesito que sea Mendiola el que esté aquí
18:45y dé testimonio sobre lo que va a pasar.
18:48No, señor. Tú nada más vas a actuar y ya.
18:51Yo ya contraté un médico que va a hacer absolutamente todo
18:54para que parezca un intento de...
18:56No, señora, no.
18:58Yo voy a decidir qué médico viene.
19:00Mi intento es...
19:01Si estoy diciendo que es Mendiola
19:03es porque nadie va a dudar de su palabra, mamá.
19:05A ver, Demian, yo no...
19:07O sea, tengo todo bajo control.
19:09No voy a correr riesgos.
19:11Lo siento, no voy a correr riesgos.
19:13Mi familia es lo que más me importa.
19:15Bueno, yo también soy tu familia, ¿no?
19:19No tienes que poner tu vida en peligro.
19:21Vamos a hacerlo a mi manera.
19:23Yo te voy a cuidar.
19:24Te lo pido.
19:25Mi manera es que tú estés a las 8 de la mañana
19:28en mi recámara.
19:29Ni un minuto antes, ni un minuto después.
19:32Tú me tienes que encontrar, mamá.
19:34Tú me tienes que encontrar.
19:36¿Está claro?
19:39¿Y qué vas a hacer con Elena?
19:42Voy a recuperar a mi familia, mamá.
19:45No voy a dejar que nadie me lo impida esta vez.
20:11No, estoy seguro que algo le pasó a mi jefe.
20:14Él nunca hace esto.
20:15¿Cómo es posible que nadie del barrio lo vio?
20:17Hey, Angel, your boss was talking to us about Pintas yesterday.
20:21What do you mean, Pintas?
20:23Well, look, he also made us swear not to tell you anything.
20:28I fought for our marriage, dad.
20:32I even tried to forget the love I feel for Angel.
20:36And he was unfaithful to my own sister.
20:42I know my heart didn't belong to him.
20:44That's what he used to tell me.
20:47But I did love him a lot.
20:50I loved him a lot, like the partner who's been with me since I was a teenager.
21:01I don't know, love.
21:05You are me.
21:09A story.
21:12More than love.
21:14But now we will be a beautiful family.
21:18No place for Jezebel or Demian.
21:24One thing at a time, love.
21:26Step by step.
21:28And well, I'm worried about something that happened with Angel at the restaurant.
21:31What happened?
21:32Well, look, it's...
21:37It's nonsense.
21:39What I care about is this baby.
21:42That will fill my life, your life and this family's life.
21:50Of course.
21:52I love you.
21:54Careful, careful, you're moving the steering wheel.
21:56It's already late.
21:58It's already late.
22:00It's already time for the delicious.
22:02It looks like you have guacales.
22:03No, you're moving the steering wheel.
22:05I'm a good driver, really.
22:07I'm going to be your friend.
22:08Let's see.
22:09Stop complaining.
22:11Pass me the table.
22:12There goes the table.
22:15You're going to hit me.
22:16Be careful with your head.
22:18There it goes.
22:20Come on, put the tables.
22:21Put the table on the other one.
22:22There it is, there it is.
22:23Let's see, here's another little one.
22:24You put the other one.
22:25There it goes.
22:26Hey, baby.
22:28And did you throw it like that without saying anything?
22:32And it was put as an argument.
22:34Well, with reason.
22:35Well, I explained to him that I did everything to get his attention.
22:38But I think my dad is still in his way and he doesn't pay attention to me.
22:41Hey, well, if you went too far, those are not manners, huh?
22:45Luisillo is right.
22:47Besides, his dad hasn't paid attention to him for a while.
22:50I think we should scare him.
22:52Where's that intriguing guy?
22:55I'm the intriguing bear.
22:56Intriguing bear.
22:59Don't hit me, huh?
23:00Don't hit me, huh?
23:01For being a coward, you got into a big problem, Helena.
23:04I didn't cause anything.
23:05I just told him the truth.
23:07I think the one who has the problem, a big one, is his friend Lupillo.
23:14Angelillo, I mean.
23:15Angelillo Lupillo.
23:16Imagine, so that I don't do this to him on social media,
23:19the video of this came out.
23:21Look at it.
23:23Did you see him?
23:25At this moment, the attacked man is fighting for his life in a city hospital.
23:32My God, Angel.
23:33You're everywhere.
23:37This is going to hurt you a lot.
23:41Are you sure no one has seen him?
23:43Did they ask in Tepis?
23:45Well, yes, bro.
23:46No one knows anything.
23:47Don't worry.
23:48Anything they know, they will tell you.
23:50How can I not worry?
23:51Anita, wait for him to change.
23:53I came here to accompany you.
23:56Come on, take it.
23:57And by the way, you buy something too.
23:59I'm not going to wait for my dad here, bro.
24:01I don't want to go anywhere.
24:03Take it, come on.
24:04I'm going to pass with the roll like this.
24:07I'm sure he left with Don Palmiro.
24:09You see he's not here either.
24:12What am I waiting for?
24:13Anita, so you can distract yourself for a while.
24:15What's up, flag?
24:16What's up?
24:18Hey, Angelillo, how is it that Don Pazman doesn't appear?
24:21I think he must have been stung playing dominoes with Don Palmiro out there in some canteen.
24:26Hey, Anita, come with us to the movies, right?
24:28Come on.
24:29I mean, your dad is probably going to get very tired.
24:31Come on, come on.
24:33Let me know when I get there.
24:34Yes, yes, sure.
24:36Oh, let's go.
24:37Take care.
24:41No, I'm sure something happened to my dad.
24:43He never does this.
24:44How is it possible that no one in the neighborhood saw him?
24:47Hey, Angel.
24:48Yesterday your dad was talking to us about Pintas.
24:51What do you mean Pintas?
24:53Look, he also made us swear that we wouldn't tell you anything.
24:58You know what?
24:59Look, Pintas sent a letter saying he was going to come get you.
25:02That's because he's your real boss.
25:05And well, Pascual found it first and read it.
25:09No, no, man.
25:10What's going on?
25:11Why didn't they tell me anything?
25:12Well, your boss made us swear that we wouldn't tell you anything.
25:14But he didn't want you to find out about this.
25:16And he asked us to look for Pintas.
25:20We tried to convince him to let the police do their job.
25:23But you know he's stubborn.
25:25Oh, my boss.
25:26No, please.
25:27I'll call you later.
25:28Take care of him.
25:29Okay, bye.
25:37Please, can you prepare the bathroom for me?
25:39I was with Angel all night.
25:40And as soon as I come to bathe, I want to go back to him as soon as possible.
25:43Yes, ma'am.
25:44Is everything okay?
25:45Oh, Carmelita.
25:46I hope so.
25:48I need to talk to Demian.
25:49Do you know if he went to the office yet?
25:50No, ma'am.
25:51Not yet.
25:52I'm going to prepare your bathroom.
25:59What's up, Amiguito?
26:01I want to tell you that I went to Mr. Antonio's house last night because...
26:05I wanted to tell him about the paper we found in Mrs. Jezabel's office.
26:09And why didn't you tell me?
26:10I would have accompanied you.
26:12I mean, yes, I wanted to tell you, but...
26:14The important thing is that I couldn't tell him anything because he was in a hurry.
26:17But something strange is happening.
26:21I feel like things are going to get ugly for Angel and the company.
26:26Yes, my pigs.
26:28But we are Adaye.
26:30Time is money.
26:33And now that I'm marrying Espe,
26:36I'm going to get her out of work so that I have my machaca donkeys ready every day.
26:42Oh, that's true, right?
26:44What do you think of this one?
26:46Oh, by the way.
26:49How does it feel that Maggie doesn't love you anymore?
26:55Look, Glorito.
26:57That was just a misunderstanding.
27:00Did you hear?
27:01Take your sword away and better, it's a good understanding.
27:04Because she realized that you don't give the width.
27:06Hey, don't overdo it, huh?
27:08No, I don't overdo it.
27:09No, no, don't overdo it.
27:10How have you been?
27:11Fine, fine.
27:12What's up, guys?
27:13How are you?
27:14Very good.
27:15Son, I need to talk to you for a moment.
27:17Excuse me.
27:20He's already armed.
27:24Angel, I'll be with you in an hour.
27:27Please, if you find out anything about your father, if he calls you, call me immediately, son.
27:32I love you and everything will be fine.
27:37Your bath is ready, ma'am.
27:38Oh, Carmelita.
27:40Oh, Carmelita, we are very worried about Mr. Pascual.
27:43Is he missing?
27:45May the Virgin protect him.
27:47I'm going to pray for him and for his soon return.
27:50I hope, I hope.
27:51And it's not a bad thing that he ran out of battery, that he stayed to sleep with someone.
27:56I don't know, but I hope he's okay.
27:59Don't worry, everything will be fine.
28:02Carmelita, what if he's not okay?
28:04What if he had an accident or something happened to him?
28:06Ma'am, have faith, a lot of faith.
28:08Oh, yes, Carmelita.
28:09God, God.
28:13God, God.
28:39No, Demian.
28:41I told you very clearly.
28:43Not before.
28:45They can see you, Carmelita, my aunt.
28:46I know, but Demian.
28:47No, you have to understand that.
28:48You have to listen and listen very well.
28:51The moment I'm not recovering, you have to take the opportunity to hurt Angel as much as you can.
28:55No, mom.
28:56Blame him.
28:57Blame him for everything.
28:59Show the video to the employees so that the idiot looks ridiculous.
29:03And are you sure it's going to work?
29:05Like you say.
29:06Because it's very dangerous, Demian.
29:08I don't think it's worth it.
29:11I have it under control.
29:13Do what I tell you.
29:15Exactly what I tell you.
29:18I just know it's you.
29:19I have you in my life.
29:22Don't risk it for the stupidity of Elena.
29:26I'm doing it for my family.
29:28I have a son on the way.
29:29Mom, I'm doing it for him.
29:31In that case, you don't worry about anything other than staying with me.
29:36And I'll take care of everything else.
29:38I'll tell Angel that Elena is coming back with you.
29:42And that it's for your son.
30:06Look, if we're a gang and the gang doesn't betray us, why did they hide something like this from me?
30:20Look, bro.
30:21You're right.
30:22We screwed it up.
30:23Yes, we screwed it up, bro.
30:24But look, right now we're looking for your boss even under the rocks, bro.
30:27And I swear to God that he appears.
30:29Yes or no?
30:31We're going to put the colony upside down.
30:32You know that everyone here is valet and they move fast.
30:35We'll find him for sure.
30:36Don't worry.
30:37In fact, let's go.
30:39What's wrong, Angel?
30:41My dad didn't get to sleep.
30:43And you know very well that my dad never disappears.
30:46Didn't he tell you anything?
30:47Didn't he let you know?
30:48No, no, no.
30:49I think Pintas has something to do with all this.
30:54Well, we have to administer the public.
30:55We shouldn't let more time pass.
30:57Yes, you're right.
30:59I'm going to talk to Alex.
31:00He knows what to do in these cases.
31:01He can surely help us.
31:06You're right about everything.
31:08You and I have to strengthen our bond.
31:11Be a family.
31:13Have a stronger bond from father to son, right?
31:17I think the same, dad.
31:19That's it.
31:20We're friends, huh?
31:21We're really friends.
31:22Now you really hurt me here, in my heart.
31:25Look, trying to flirt with May is just because we're angry?
31:28You went too far.
31:29I have every right to do my fight.
31:31Ah, you have every right, yes?
31:34That's what you have to do at work, Glorio.
31:37I'm going to kick you in the street.
31:39Get rid of him already.
31:40But we're friends, right?
31:43There's no day that couple doesn't argue, but they're good people.
31:47Dad, I never thanked you for bringing them into my life.
31:51They saved me.
31:52Yes, the truth was a blessing to have found them.
31:56Hey, I'd like you to stay and see how I work.
31:59Do you like it?
32:00Yes, yes, yes.
32:01I even help you.
32:02Tell me what to do.
32:04Yes, here I am.
32:06My dad is going to stay.
32:08Yes, yes, yes.
32:09Oh, what pressure.
32:10How cool.
32:13Lee, I have an emergency and I need you to come help me.
32:17My dad hasn't shown up since last night.
32:24I always asked you to give me the pleasure of being a dad.
32:32Demian, are you okay?
32:34I can't imagine a life without you.
32:37Without my son.
32:40I love you.
32:43And I want you to tell him...
32:45Demian, what's wrong? What's wrong?
32:48I love you.
32:51But I can't imagine a life without you.
32:56Without my son.
32:58I'm just asking you to tell him...
33:07Demian, no!
33:12Yes, Pintas left the letter to my dad.
33:15That's what Titi and the engine told me, but my dad didn't want me to find out.
33:20Lee, please.
33:22Lee, I'm begging you, please.
33:25What that letter said upset my dad and...
33:29And I have no doubt that he went to look for that bastard Pintas.
33:33And did you report him as a missing person?
33:37No, no, not yet.
33:39That's why I would love for him to reach us at the Public Prosecutor's Office.
33:42Yes, I'm with Mr. Antonio and I don't want to waste time.
33:44Give it to me, give it to me.
33:46Let's see, Julio Cesar, you need Angel.
33:50Why don't you come?
33:52They waited too long to notify his disappearance.
33:56They could have done it from the moment they stopped knowing about him.
34:00I'm on my way.
34:03Son, excuse me, please.
34:06It's always the same with you, Dad.
34:08You can never stay, there are always priorities.
34:11Before it was Aurora.
34:13Now tell me, what?
34:18Yes, that's the address, send an ambulance as soon as possible.
34:30Your call will be transferred to the mailbox.
34:32Be careful, son.
34:41Look, I wouldn't go if it weren't for an emergency.
34:44Angel's dad is missing.
34:46It's okay, Dad, don't tell me anything anymore, it's your job, okay?
34:50Believe me, I have the best disposition.
34:54Yes, Dad, I know, but your job is first.
34:57Go with Angel, really, go with him, I would do the same.
35:04Okay, see you later, bye.
35:06Bye, guys.
35:08Is everything okay?
35:10Yes, everything is fine.
35:12My dad came to say hello, but he had to go.
35:15It seems that Angel's dad is missing.
35:20Hey, don't worry.
35:22I know what it meant that your dad was here, but ...
35:25Come on, here we are.
35:27Take it.
35:29Go to work.
35:31Yes, yes, yes, in a moment I'll send you the picture so you can put together the bulletin.
35:35But anyway, let's go to the public administration to present the declaration of facts.
35:47Mr. Palmiro, come in.
35:49Angel, your dad wasn't with me.
35:52I went to see my aunt who lives in Ecatepec.
35:55I preferred to stay there so as not to be at risk in the night transport.
35:58Listen, and my dad didn't see him before?
36:01Or didn't he tell you where he was going?
36:05Unfortunately, I didn't see him at all.
36:07But I already told all the neighbors.
36:09And they already started looking.
36:11Well, in a moment they will send me the official bulletin with your photo.
36:14We can print copies to distribute everywhere.
36:17And as soon as I arrive, I will send you so that you can distribute it to the boys.
36:21Yes, sir, we are happy.
36:23Thank you very much.
36:46Answer me, it's urgent, please.
37:12Oh my God.
37:16I'm killing my own son.
